Page 70 of Game Over
I turn away from her shocked expression and face the love of my life. He says the sweetest things. But when I see his expression, I can tell he’s dead serious. I melt against him, overwhelmed by how that makes me feel.
“CJ,” I whisper, pressing further against him.
He glances down at me, shrugging. “It’s true.”
“Ah damn. It’s hard to be mad at you when you’re all cute and romantic,” Willow says, groaning.
He turns to her, grinning now. “Want me to give Cole a few pointers?”
I giggle. Cole glares and Willow rolls her eyes. “No, he’s got the romantic thing down to a T.”
“Yo, mate, you beat the score.” We all turn to the worker who met us to put our gear on and eye him with puzzlement.
What is he going on about?
“What are you talking about?” Cole asks, pulling Willow against his front.
The worker grins big, holding a sheet of paper, something laminated, and a little trophy. “You beat the killing score. You shot forty-seven zombies. No one has gotten higher than a six since we opened.”
CJ grins, taking the sheets handed to him. I glance over at the scoreboard, smiling. The number of his vest at the top.
“Fucking ace. This is so cool,” he says, his chest puffing out. I giggle at his childlike expression. He really has enjoyed himself.
“Yeah, we need ya name, if you don’t mind—to put it on the scoreboard out front. It gives people something to work for, but I gotta tell ya, not even we’ve been able to kill that many, and we work here.”
“There are forty-seven zombies working for you?” Willow asks, her face a shade of green.
He turns to her, shaking his head. “No, there’s actually only twelve of us. We just send them back in to make it look like there’s loads.”
“What about the hands coming from the holes in the wall?” I ask, curious because there seemed like more.
“Machines. There’s a few of them. If they are in distance range of the sensor button then they can buzz you out. We also have dummies we leave hanging next to a few other workers to make it seem like there’s a bunch of them.”
“Well, it will suck if you guys ever caught the flu,” CJ chuckles, still inspecting his certificate with pride.
“Anyway, give your name to Lou at the front desk, man. Hope you guys had fun, but I need to get the stuff ready for the next group.”
We nod and watch him go before walking back to the changing room to collect our things. We hang up our helmets and suits, before heading out.
CJ gives his name to Lou, and even adds the guys who were waiting at the front desk to congratulate him, on Facebook.
“See ya later,” he shouts over his shoulder as he meets us outside. He turns to us, a wide grin spreading across his handsome face. “What do you want to do next?”
“Can we go get something to eat? Maybe we could sit on the beach for a bit before we head back?” Willow asks.
“And get sand in my food? No,” CJ mutters. “Let’s go somewhere to eat. We can walk on the beach later.”
She nods, not arguing with him, since it’s impossible to do. You’ll never win; he takes his food seriously.
Out of nowhere, he picks me up and swings me around, kissing me hard. “Cupcake, you are the best girlfriend ever. Today was fucking epic.”
I smile down at him, running my fingers down his cheeks and leaning in closer. “I’m glad you had fun.”
“Oh, it’s gonna be even better when we get home and I get you naked. Killing things has made me horny.”
“We can hear you,” Cole states dryly, not sounding amused at all.
“Shouldn’t eavesdrop then, you big perv,” CJ mutters over my shoulder, before he glances back at me, his expression softening to the one I love most; the one where he looks at me like he’s seeing me for the first time and can’t believe his eyes, like I’m perfect. “I love you.”