Page 76 of Game Over
“I don’t get it. What do you mean?” CJ’s mum demands.
CJ sits back in his chair, his complexion pale. I take his hand, squeezing it.
The police officer gives her a sympathetic smile. “We ran CJ’s blood work. It came back with a one-thirty-five familial match. We know the DNA belongs to a male, so we believe he is a sibling, another child your attacker fathered.”
“I can’t believe this is happening,” Milly cries.
“Does this mean I’m in the clear?” CJ whispers hoarsely, rubbing his hand over rough stubble. He hasn’t slept or eaten much since everything was revealed.
“Yes, we believe so.”
I shake myself out of my thoughts and watch the door to the library. I asked Jordan to meet me here, since being at home felt wrong without CJ. I’ve been worried sick, physically and emotionally, and needed the fresh air. My stomach has been in knots for over a week.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to stay and lock up?” Alex asks, sounding concerned. I glance at him; his eyes are drawn together and he’s shifting nervously. For good reason. CJ hasn’t been the only one not acting themselves.
I miss him.
“I’ll be fine. Jordan will be here in a second. She’s gonna help me with my coursework.”
“I can wait around, walk you back home? With that madman out on the loose, it’s not safe.”
I lift my hand, stopping him from going any further. Before I can reply, the door to the library opens. I turn, expecting Jordan, but instead I find Mr. Flint walking in, a slimy smile on his face.
“Allie, what a surprise to see you here,” he greets.
I glance at Alex. He’s watching Mr. Flint with rapt attention, a frown upon his face.
“I work here,” I tell him—something he knows. During the last lesson we had, I told him I couldn’t make his appointment due to work. He clearly knew I’d be here.
“We’re actually closed,” Alex tells him.
He turns his nose up at Alex before turning to me, smiling once again. “I’m sure Allie wouldn’t mind waiting behind so I can search for a book I need.”
“Actually, I’m going to be busy. The library opens at seven in the morning. If you want to come back then, I’m sure Janie will be more than willing to help you.”
The smile falls from his face. “It’s important. I won’t keep you long.”
I force a smile. “It’s late, Mr. Flint, and I have classes in the morning. I’d like to get back.”
His face is pinched when he nods. “Very well. I’ll come back tomorrow. While I’m here, I’d like to book an appointment for you to come meet with me.”
As much as I’d love to decline, he is my teacher. If I keep refusing to see him he might do something about it. I can’t get a bad grade or report.
“When were you thinking?”
He turns to Alex distastefully before he turns to me. “Janie informed me you had a Friday night off in a few weeks. If you can come to my office then, for about seven, we can go over your work.”
My heart stops. He knew when I’d be working and when I wouldn’t. He was trying to catch me out on a lie.
With a wobbly smile, I answer, “That’s fine.”
He nods once again. “I’ll see you then.”
The look he gives me sends a shiver down my spine. When he’s gone, I try to hide my fear, and force a smile as I turn to Alex.
“Shouldn’t you be going?”
He hesitates, glancing towards the space Mr Flint disappeared into. “I don’t know. That guy gives me the creeps. I’ve heard girls swoon over him, but I’ve also heard whispers from some who have said he’s not who he seems to be and they don’t like him.”