Page 83 of Game Over
I rub a hand over my stomach, glancing down at my lap, feeling ashamed. I didn’t want to throw his words back at him, but I can’t lie to him. The worry was there. If we decide to go through with this, then I want him to accept him or her.
He places his hand over mine. “I don’t care about any of that. You were right in what you said to me at Mum’s. And our baby, it will be a part of us. They won’t only be raised loved, but they were made from love. And I do—I love you, and I love our baby.”
“You’re not scared?” I ask, because I am. I’m so scared of what our future will hold.
“A little, I guess, but I knew we were always going to have kids someday.”
I smile. “You did?”
He grins. “I did. Might not have been picturing it being now, but it just means they were ready to come earlier in our lives. But make no mistakes, Cupcake, we will be damn fucking good parents. I might be immature at times, but I’m far from stupid. This isn’t a new gadget, or temporary. I understand it’s for life, but I really do have faith we can do this. We have our parents—if your dad doesn’t get arrested for trying to kill me—and we have our friends. We can still finish our courses and find the right jobs. We can get a house, whatever we need, because together, I believe we can do anything.”
His words cause a sob to break free and I fall into his arms, wrapping my own around him. “I’ve been so scared. I think I needed you to tell me we could do it.” I pull back, biting my bottom lip. “We’re so young.”
His lips pull into a smirk. “Yeah, but at least we won’t be doing school runs when we’re old and wrinkly.”
I giggle, pushing his shoulder. “Are you sure about this? This is a huge decision to make. There’s no going back once we’ve made it.”
He shuffles forward as he pulls me closer, our knees touching on the bed. “Okay, let’s put it this way: before you found out you were pregnant, where did you see us going as a couple?”
My heart melts and my cheeks heat. “Together, married, children and grandchildren.”
He runs a finger down my cheek. “Exactly. So what if the timeline has been pushed forward. People younger than us do this every day and raise perfectly well-balanced individuals.”
I laugh at his explanation. “You moaned at the young couple down the road from Cole’s mum’s because they didn’t watch their kids properly.”
He groans, ducking his head a little. “Let’s forget about that tiny incident. Plus, those kids needed some manners knocked into them. Would it kill them to watch where they are riding their bikes and to speak politely? I swear, I thought that one little girl was going to kick me in the nuts.”
“She was six,” I remind him, giggling.
He rolls his eyes. “Not a prime example, I know. But we aren’t them. We are going to raise our kids right. We’re going to make them play in the garden, not in the middle of the road. We are going to love and adore them.”
When he cups my cheek, I let my head fall to the side, grateful for his touch. “I love you, CJ. I love you so much.”
“I love you too. Now scoot over, I’m knackered, and I’ve missed my cupcake.”
I move over until there’s room for him to get in and cuddle up to his shoulder. I start running my finger up and down his chest.
“Things have been so crazy around here. This news hasn’t exactly come at a good time.”
He plays with a strand of my hair, twirling it through his fingers. “No, but is any time a good time? We’ll get through this. I promise.”
“I was so scared you were going to leave me,” I whisper, feeling my throat close up.
He squeezes me tighter against his chest. “I’d never leave you.” He pauses when he realises he did kind of leave me. “For long anyway. I just had to get my head out of my arse. I’m so sorry you had to deal with this on your own.”
“I can’t believe we’re going to be parents,” I murmur, a smile spreading across my face.
“I hope we have a girl who looks just like you,” he says, and I can hear the smile in his voice.
“Nope. I want a little boy like you. I want him to have your eyes, your skin tone, and your heart.”
“He does sound perfect. Maybe a boy would be better.”
I giggle, poking his belly. He laughs, pulling away a little.
“That’s mean.”
“I’m sorry. But seriously, I’d be in jail by the time I’m what… thirty-seven, because I’ve beaten her boyfriend to death.”