Page 87 of Game Over
“Here, take this. I don’t want you sick in my class,” he whispers.
A shiver runs down my spine at the distain on his face, but needing the water since mine is gone, I take it.
“Thank you,” I croak out, opening it. I take a swig, turning slightly away. Something about him doesn’t add up. It never has.
He doesn’t say anything, just nods and walks back to the front of the class, where his desk is located. He sits on the edge, clapping his hands together to get everyone’s attention.
“If everyone wants to finish what they’re doing, you can leave a few minutes early.”
Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, I grab my things, leaving the half bottle of water on the table.
CJ is waiting for me outside the doors. I smile, walking up to him. He envelops me in a hug.
“How was class?” he asks.
I shrug. “Boring.”
“You ready for tonight?”
“Are you sure we shouldn’t wait a little longer?”
He chuckles, pulling away to take my hand. We start walking towards the exit.
“We’ve got this, Cupcake. They’re going to find out sometime, might as well be from us.”
I sigh because I hate it when he’s right. “Okay, but I’ve changed my mind; you can tell the parents.”
He stops short, but I let go of his hand and keep walking, smiling to myself.
“Cupcake, you can’t be serious,” he yells after me.
I shrug and swing around to face him, walking backwards. “Dead serious.”
*** *** ***
I thought taking the pregnancy test was the scary part. I was so fucking wrong. It’s not even close.
Telling your parent that their twenty-year-old daughter is pregnant is.
I feel like I can hardly breathe. I’ve got cramps from anxiety and feel like I could throw up any second, and if we want this to go as planned, throwing up at the table isn’t going to help.
Dad walks into the fairly quiet restaurant we chose—hoping it will deter them from causing a scene.
“Dad.” I smile, walking around the table to hug him. He hugs me back, pulling me in close.
“Hi, darlin’. You okay?”
“Yes,” I lie, then turn to Melanie. She watches me curiously before her eyes widen. I shake my head, knowing she has figured it out. She opens her mouth, turning to my father, then back to me. Before she can say anything, I hug her. “Please don’t say anything. We’re going to tell them,” I whisper.
When I pull back, she nods, smiling, but it’s small. I can’t tell what she’s thinking.
“Hi, Mr. Davis,” CJ greets, shaking my dad’s hand.
“Hey, son, how’s rugby going? Allie said you had a game a few weeks ago. I’m sorry I couldn’t come down to watch.”
CJ waves him off. “It’s fine. You can come to the next one,” he tells him. “I want you to meet my mum, Milly. Mum, this is Sam, Allie’s dad, and Melanie, Willow’s mum.”
My dad steps forward, shaking Milly’s hand. “It’s lovely to meet you. You’ve got a fine son. I couldn’t have picked better for my daughter.”