Page 98 of Game Over
“Do you think the world has always been this jaded, or is it from moving here?” I ask quietly.
She squeezes my hand she holds between us. “I think we were just blissfully unaware. Our parents protected us as much as they could. But I truly believe it won’t always be like this—with us always looking over our shoulders wondering what will happen next.”
“Let’s hope only good things come next. If something else starts happening around here, I’ll start thinking it’s a conspiracy and will move my arse out of this place so fast you’ll never see me go. I’ll be like The Flash: now you see me, now you don’t.”
She giggles lightly. “Just make sure that when it happens, I have my phone with me.”
I tilt my head to the side to face her. “Um, why?”
She turns to glance at me, grinning. “Because if Allie Davis is going to do exercise, I want to document the hell out of that shit.”
I kick her leg lightly, giggling. It feels good, like the heaviness on my chest has lightened just a little.
“Maybe the next thing to happen is mobile phones crashing, being wiped from the earth.”
She gasps, narrowing her eyes at me. “Bite your tongue. It could be books are destroyed and going digital only. I mean, you did get a break in at the library.”
It’s my turn to look horrified, and I’m pretty sure I lose all colour in my face. “Take that back,” I demand. “We could go back to the stone ages, only wearing dirty rags as clothes.” I stick my tongue out, smiling when she inhales sharply. She sits up, glancing down at me.
“Sweets might stop being made because they’re giving people diabetes.”
I sit up, facing her with narrowed eyes. “All the high-heeled shoes are burnt because people are breaking their ankles in them.”
We go on for a while, swapping what might happen next theories. Before I know it, my eyes start to close, my entire body feeling exhausted.
I feel Willow leave the bed, but I’m too tired to open my eyes since I’m still recovering from blood loss.
*** *** ***
I groan when I hear the annoying ringtone coming from my phone. I miss the days when everyone could have songs as their ringtone.
I roll over, noticing the sun has gone down. I grab my phone, reading the time. I’ve slept for a good few hours—more than I have in days. I’m surprised CJ isn’t back; it’s eight, past his dinner time.
Tina, one of the supervisors, is calling, so I answer, lifting the phone to my ear with a yawn.
“Hi, Allie, I’m really sorry to call you like this. I know it’s not a really good time, but you’re the only one I can think of to call.”
I sit up, rubbing my tired eyes. “It’s fine. What’s up?”
“It’s about Alex. He started his shift like normal, but he’s been gone for two hours now, and he isn’t meant to finish for another two. We have an address and number for him, but his phone is off at the moment.”
I swivel around in bed, resting my feet on the carpet. I tuck the phone between my shoulder and ear while slipping on some trainers.
“He said his nan was ill not long ago, maybe something happened?”
“Oh, crap. I forgot about his nan. I hope she’s okay. But it’s not like him to disappear like this. He’s always told us if he’s had to leave early.”
I pause by my desk where CJ’s hoodie lies. “He’s left work before?”
“Yeah. Recently, he’s left early a lot. He mentioned she had been in hospital.”
I shake my head, wondering what he was thinking. “I’ve told him so many times, I’m here to help. He never even said anything.”
“Maybe he didn’t want to bother you. I heard about your news. I’m sorry.”
My heart stops for a second and I rub my chest. “Thank you,” I tell her, then clear my throat. “Can you text me his address?”