Page 13 of Deadly Games
When Allie doesn’t say anything, I notice her begin to fidget uncomfortably with some shopping bags.
“What?” I ask. Stopping what I’m doing, I place the can of beans I’m holding down on the counter, turning to face her. Allie might not tell me anything, but sometimes her facial expressions say it all.
“Nothing,” she tells me evasively, but even if the tone in her voice didn’t give her away, the guilty expression on her face says it all.
“Bullshit,” I utter, calling her out. “Now, tell me what you’ve got to say.”
She seems to mull something over before turning back to me, a sad expression on her face. “Look, I don’t get in between yours and Logan’s friendship. I always stay out of it because I love you. I’ve tried to explain so many times that he isn’t who you think he is, but I’ve never found the right words. I don’t want to hurt you. I don’t even think you’ve seen the other side to him. He’s always hidden it well when you’re around,” she whispers, and I’m conflicted about what to feel. I know she would never lie to me. She has no reason to. But I know Logan too. This whole situation is becoming a mess, fucking with my head.
“Tell me what happened between you,” I implore on a rasp, needing to know.
“I wish I could tell you. I really do,” she frets sadly. I notice her hands tremble, and her eyes begin to water, making me feel like shit for pushing her.
It just makes me even more confused than I was to begin with. Surely if he had hurt her, then she’d tell me. She has to know that if he did, I’d erase him from my life. And mostly, I’d hope she wouldn’t put herself or me at risk. But the more everything runs through my mind, the more I think about Logan. The notion of him hurting Allie, or anyone really, is just ridiculous and absurd.
He’s not that person. He never has been. He’s always stuck up for people, had their backs, even if he wasn’t friends with them.
When we were in middle school, Shelly Palmer was getting loads of crap off other kids, who teased her about her looks and the fact she would be going to the school dance alone. It went on for weeks, until Logan stepped up and publicly asked her to the school dance.
And not just that, but he’s only ever been protective when it comes to me. He’s never hurt me once.
When James Smith cheated on me, everyone in our high school knew. He embarrassed me in front of everyone, all my friends. Logan had been there, comforting me. He stood by me through it all and even beat the shit out of James for cheating on me and turning everyone against me.
Not wanting this whole thing to distract me or ruin the move, I let it go, turning to Allie with a small smile. “Let’s just forget about Logan. We should spend the day unpacking and make this place to feel like home.”
“Okay,” she agrees quietly, staring at me intently.
I’m just putting the last of the cupboard food away when Allie walks up beside me and kisses me on the cheek.
“He could have changed, Willow. I don’t really know. I’ve not let myself know. All I know is what I see. If you’re happy with your friendship, then I’m happy. I learned a long time ago not to let other people’s judgments affect my own,” she tells me. “I love you, always. Now get started on unpacking the DVD’s,” she orders playfully, smacking my arse on her way out.
I roll my eyes at her retreating back. Her words make sense, and as curious as I am about what happened between them, it was a long time ago and we have all changed. Logan has never done anything to hurt me.
So taking Allie’s advice, I forget what everyone is feeling towards Logan and stick to my own judgment.
“Let’s do this,” I yell cheerfully, ready to start my new life.
Later that night, Allie and I are sitting on the floor in the front room, eating some Chinese, worn out from unpacking. Yes, we spent over seventy quid on food shopping and still ordered in. In all fairness, we’ve worked our arses off unpacking, finally giving all our belongings a place.
“I think you ordered too much,” I groan, sitting back against the sofa and rubbing my stomach.
“Never! There’s never too much food,” she gasps in disgust. It still amazes me how someone so small can eat so much food and not put on a single pound.
“My belly is screaming otherwise,” I declare, jumping when our door buzzer rings. We both turn to each other with wide eyes before looking back at the phone that’s connected to the door downstairs. It’s so we can buzz people in.
“I’m not answering it,” she rushes out, looking at the phone like it’s an offensive object.
I slowly walk over to the phone and lift it from the wall, tentatively bringing it to my ear. “Hello?” I whisper.
“Willowwwww,” Logan’s voice slurs through the phone.
I relax when I hear his voice. “What are you doing here?” I laugh.
“I’ve brought pizza and movies. Let me up, it’s raining,” he shouts over the speaker.
“Oh, alright,” I tell him, buzzing him up. Before I drop the phone back in its receiver, I hear him singing some Justin Bieber song, and I burst out laughing.