Page 24 of Deadly Games
“I’ll be back later. Do you have a phone I can put my number in?”
“Aww, we’re becoming fast friends, exchanging numbers and everything,” I tease.
CJ snorts while Cole looks unamused, but I can tell inside, he’s smiling. I can see it in his eyes. I grab my phone from my back pocket and hand it to him. Our fingers brush against each other, his touch leaving sharp tingles behind. I look up to see if he felt it too, and when my gaze meets his, I find his eyes blazing with lust.
Clearing his throat, he shakes his head, looking down at my phone before programming his number in. He presses a few more buttons, and seconds later, his phone rings, a simple iPhone ringtone buzzing.
“I’ve got yours now too,” he rumbles, his voice deep and scratchy. “If we run over at practise, I’ll text you to let you know.”
“Okay. We’ll be fine,” I assure him, wanting him to know he can trust me with his sister.
“Be good,” he warns Mia, who just purses her lips at him stubbornly.
“Hope you left your purse at home,” CJ whispers, his tone dead serious.
Amusement fills me as I push him towards the door and wave goodbye. Mia has already lost interest in them, too busy locking her money away and putting it back in her safe place.
While she’s distracted, I take a look around the room, wondering what we can do before Cole gets back from practise. I want Mia to like me, and for her to like me, I need time with her away from Cole. For some reason, I’m a bubbling mess around him and can hardly string two sentences together. I guess once I get used to being in his presence, his God-made good looks won’t charm me as much as they do now. Well, at least I hope they won’t.
I glance over at her shelves, noticing she has a shelf full ofMy Little Ponies.
“You like ponies, Mia?” I ask her.
She glances up at the shelf, her eyes lighting up. “Yes. I asked Daddy to buy me one for my birthday, but he said they were too expensive. It’s why I take Liam and CJ for all the money they have. Mummy said I can’t bully it out of them so we made up a rule. If they say a naughty word, they have to give me five whole pounds,” she explains, happy with herself.
“Want to take a pony ride?” Her eyes light up like the fourth of July, and I take my coat off, throwing it across her bed. When I’m on all fours, I turn to Mia and grin. “Hop on, cowgirl,” I order, using my best country western voice.
She giggles, looking at me like I’ve said the silliest thing ever. “Silly billy. Cowgirls don’t ride ponies. They ride horses.”
I sit up and turn to her, my eyes wide with horror. “No! But aprincess cowgirldoes. How did you not know? You look just like a cowgirl princess to me,” I gasp in mock surprise.
Her eyes are just as wide as they were before, but this time, they’re twinkling with admiration and surprise. She looks like I’ve just told her she’ll be getting a real pony ride, and not a fake one from me.
“Really?” she breathes.
I grin, bending down to her level and tapping her nose once with my index finger. “Yes.” I bend back down on all fours and turn my head to face her, loving how much her face has lit up. “Hop on, cowgirl Mia.”
She giggles, jumping on with so much enthusiasm, she nearly breaks my back.
“Giddy up, Pony,” she shouts, smacking the top of my arse with her tiny hand.
*** *** ***
My phone dings with another message. I know who it is before I read it.
Cole: On way.
Short and sweet, although I doubt there’s anything sweet about Cole. It’s also nice to know he prefers to be called Cole, as that’s what he’s programmed his name under. I wasn’t sure since his mum and Mia have been calling him Liam. To say it’s been confusing is an understatement.
Willow: Come on… We’re literally besties now. You don’t need to be short with me. Use full sentences. You can do it!
I’m a giddy mess inside as I type the message, not hesitating before sending it. Mia turns around at my outburst, a small smile playing on her lips.
“What’s so funny?”
“Your brother,” I answer honestly.
“Yeahhh righhht,” she scoffs, like the thought of her brother being funny is outrageous. Her reaction just amuses me more.