Page 30 of Deadly Games
“As the new editor, I’m willing to have four or five student interns this year. This assignment will determine whether or not you are qualified for the role.
“I was going to give you individual projects to write a piece on,” he continues, waving a stack of papers. “But after listening to Miss Saunders’ inspiring argument, it has given me a new perspective on this year’s paper. So instead of writing an article about a project you know nothing about, I’m going to let you write an article on something that inspires you, something you want to be able to write about once you graduate.
“If your dream is to write an advice column, make sure you get students to submit questions. If it’s a diet plan or advice on losing weight, do the same. You need to make sure what you write is true to your full knowledge, so you will need proof to back it up.
“I’ll be sending each of you an email later on this evening with your new assignment requirements. The project will still have to be handed in, so I can’t stress enough that if you need documentation of proof, I’d start straight away. See you all Friday,” he dismisses, moving back towards his desk.
“Want to write about my first sexual encounter? What to do and what not to do during your first time.” CJ smirks. I laugh, throwing my head back.
“As entertaining and amusing as I’m sure that experience was—for the girl—I’ll pass.”
“Suit yourself. You’re passing on the opportunity of a lifetime though,” he grumbles, moving to grab his bag.
“See you later.” I wave and leave the room with a huge smile on my face. I just made it through my first lesson.
*** *** ***
Turns out, not only do I share Introduction to Journalism with Cole and CJ, but English Literature too.
“I cannot believe you. Why didn’t you warn me?” Allie hisses as we make our way over to the food court.
“I didn’t know,” I stress, amused by how red she is. “They surprised me as much as they surprised you, Allie. They were in my other class too.”
“I bet he slept with the teacher and got a heads up on today’s lesson. No way has he read all those classics,” she bitches, which isn’t like her.
“Maybe he has,” I tell her, defending CJ. “He did quote every book she threw at him.” I wouldn’t have believed it myself had I not witnessed it. It seems CJ is quite the genius. After the teacher called him out for teasing Allie, she made him quote certain classics. Honestly, I believe she was just trying to find a way to get him removed from her class, but it backfired on her big time.
“Whatever. Let’s just eat so I can go home and eat some more,” she huffs.
I link my arm through hers. Poor girl just spent two hours arguing with CJ over Shakespeare. Their views on Romeo and Juliet had to be the most entertaining.
“Babe, over here,” is shouted from across the gardens outside the food court.
Instinctively, my head turns in the direction the voice came from, and I find Logan was the one shouting. He’s waving us over to his table, which is full of his friends.
Allie snorts next to me. “Babe?”
“I know,” I agree under my breath, pasting on a huge smile as I wave back at Logan. I hold my index finger up at him, gesturing for him to give me a minute. “I do keep telling him not to.”
“Will, over here.” This time, it’s Alec shouting across the grounds as he walks out of the cafeteria.
“Well, at least it wasn’t babe,” Allie sings, teasing me.
My smile widens when I see Alec walking towards us. It soon falters when I see the girl I saw this morning, Christie, with him. There are also a few other people with him, but it’s the way she’s watching him that has my back up. It also ignites an emotion I’m not used to. Jealousy. It’s not strong, but it’s there and it irritates me.
“Hey,” I greet, leaning up on my toes and kissing him.
“Hey. Want to meet some friends of mine?”
“Yeah.” I smile, glad he’s having a good day too.
“This is Dave and Christie. We all went to school together. These goofs are Tom, Jack, and Leo.”
Well, isn’t that perfect. They went to school together.
“I know you. You were with Cole and CJ this morning, right?” Christie asks in a sickeningly sweet voice.
I grit my teeth, forcing a smile. “Yeah, we were in the same class,” I tell her, before turning back to Alec. “So, anything good here to eat or shall we grab something in town?”