Page 32 of Deadly Games
My phone beeps with another message, and I grin, shaking my head. I love my mum, but she can be nuts. I shouldn’t have told her about my date until after I had actually been on it because now she’ll text me all night for a play by play of what’s happening.
Only, it isn’t my mum. It’s a message from Logan. Unlike Alec, I’ve managed to have dinner with Logan this week. He came here on Tuesday, and although he didn’t stay long, I still enjoyed that time with him.
Logan: You sure you don’t want to come out tonight? The drinks are 2-for-1.
Willow: I told you I’ve already got plans with Alec tonight, LOL x
Logan: You’re still coming to mine tomorrow for the party though, right?
Willow: Yes. Wouldn’t miss it.
It’s like the tenth time he’s checked that I’m still going to his party since Tuesday, when he invited me.
I still can’t believe he’s throwing a party in his flat. How can he allow a bunch of drunken people to trash his home? From what he’s said, his place is big enough for the party. It has four bedrooms and is meant to be one of the biggest flats in their complex.
When he doesn’t text back, I drop my phone on the sofa, turning to look out the window. Knowing Logan, he’s probably tongue-deep in some chick and is most likely going to drink until he passes out. I probably won’t hear from him until tomorrow, when he texts me to complain he’s hungover and dying.
“Woah! Look at you.” Allie whistles as she steps into the front room.
“You like?” I do a little twirl for her. She’s already seen the dress on me since she was with me when I bought it.
It’s a little black dress that stops a few inches above my knees. It dips low between my chest, giving my C-cup boobs some boost. What drew me to the dress was the strip of sheer lace below my breasts, and the matching strip an inch above the bottom of the dress, revealing some skin.
My hair is down in thick curls, falling past my shoulders. I’ve gripped one side so it’s pulled back out of my face. My makeup is heavy. I opted for smoky eyeshadow and red lipstick, putting some colour into my look.
“Love,” she gushes. “Shouldn’t you be gone by now though?”
I glance up at the clock on the wall and frown when I see it reads seven-forty-five.
“Yeah,” I murmur distractedly, grabbing my phone off the sofa.
Willow: Where are you?
I press send before glancing back up at Allie. She’s now wrapped up warm in her coat, looking snug as a bug.
It’s usually still warm in September, but the past couple of weeks, the temperature has dropped considerably. There’s no saying, though, that next week it won’t be warm again. After all, it is England weather we’re talking about. The weather has a mind of its own.
“You off to work?” I ask.
She smiles wide, and I can’t help but return it. Since she started working at the library, she seems chirpier than normal. I think it’s more to do with the new friend she made, Alex. At first, I presumed ‘Alex’ was a girl, but it turns out Alex is a boy. He’s been working at the library for a year already.
“Yeah. I’m doing a close tonight as a favour for some other lad. He has a family engagement he needs to attend, so I offered to switch.”
I frown, realising she’ll be there past midnight. “Make sure you get a taxi then. Doesn’t it shut at, like, midnight?”
She rolls her eyes. “Yeah, and Alex said he’d give me a lift. I’ll be fine.” I waggle my eyebrows, and she glares at me, making me chuckle. “It’s not like that,” she warns.
“But you like him?” I tease.
“Well, yeah, duh,” she tells me, shaking her head. “We’re friends. He’s a little chatty and a bigger nerd than me, but I like talking to him. Well, mostly I listen.”
“So you’re not going to date him?” I pout. I was looking forward to being able to go out on a double date.
Her eyes widen in horror. “Lord no. I may like him as a friend, but he reminds me too much of Harry Potter.” She shudders, and I laugh.
“You could be his Hermione,” I tease.
“She dates Ron, not Harry.” Allie scoffs, giving me a dry look. “Don’t make this into a big deal, please. He’s the first friend I’ve ever made apart from you. If you keep teasing me about him, I’ll never be able to look at him the same.”