Page 35 of Deadly Games
I walk down the hall to my room, wanting to give us some privacy. Allie will be back soon, and even though I’ve sort of forgiven him, I’m still a little pissed at him and what he did. I don’t want her to have to come back and listen to us arguing. It’s not fair on her.
“I really am so fucking sorry. When I woke up and realised I forgot to meet you, I felt like shit. I called and texted straight away. I felt sick, baby.”
“Probably from the amount of alcohol you drank,” I tell him sarcastically.
He sits down on the edge of my bed, a sigh escaping him as he puts his head in his hands, his elbows resting on his knees.
“No. Not just from that. I let you down, and I hate myself for it. I never meant to hurt you. I’m such a shit boyfriend,” he tells me heatedly.
Guilt and pain hit me in the chest. I’m across the room and in his lap in seconds, needing to be near him.
“No, you’re not. You made a mistake. It doesn’t make you a bad person, just a forgetful one, one that was neglectful and got drunk. I’m just mad that you left me waiting like you did. I like to think I’m a reasonable girlfriend. All you had to do was text me or call to cancel,” I stress.
His hands on my waist tighten and he drops his head on my shoulder.
“You’re the best girlfriend,” he declares. “I fucked up, but I’m going to make it up to you. It’s actually the other reason why I’m here.”
A smile breaks across my face and I turn in his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck. “Oh yeah?”
He grins, kissing the corner of my mouth before kissing his way down my neck to my collarbone. I hum in response, a little moan escaping when he snakes his tongue across my pleasure spot. I feel him grin against my neck. He knows exactly what he’s doing to me.
“Well?” I whisper, wiggling my hips a little to get his attention.
“Well, first I’ve got us another table at Temptation. I thought before we go to dinner, we could take a trip to the shopping centre and buy you something special,” he says, tempting me.
“Sounds good.” Especially the part about buying me something special. I love gifts.
“Good. Table is booked for eight, so we’ve still got time to go to the shopping centre and enough time for you to get ready.” His eyes are much brighter than when he first arrived. My face scrunches up in a frown when what he said registers.
“Ahh, Alec, I can’t,” I admit sheepishly.
His head snaps to me with a look of surprise. Why, I have no idea. I was sociable back home. Did he think being here would change that? “What? Why? I said I was sorry.”
“I know,” I rush out, not wanting him to think this is about that. “But I already made plans.”
“Who with? Allie? I’m sure she’d understand if you cancel.”
I count to three before breaking the news, knowing his feelings about Logan.
“I’m going to Logan’s. He invited me to his house party on Tuesday.”
He holds me tight at the waist, lifting me up off his lap. I’m confused by his overreaction. He begins pacing the floor back and forth, wearing a hole into the carpet.
“I’m sure Logan wouldn’t mind if you cancelled just this once,” he tells me once he’s stopped.
“Why would I cancel?”
“So we can go out. I told you, Willow, I booked us a table at Temptation. Do you realise just how hard it was to get a reservation at that place?”
I have to look away from him. If I look at him much longer, I’ll end up doing or saying something I’ll regret.
“No,” I say once I’m sure my voice will be calm and clear. “But you weren’t that bothered last night.”
“What? You can’t be serious. You’d rather go to a house party, one which is probably thrown every weekend, than go out with me?”
“Wedidn’t have plans. Logan and I did. I’m not cancelling. It’s rude.”
“Cancel, Willow, please. I want to spend time with you.”