Page 37 of Deadly Games
“I love you too, Willow Saunders.”
I pull back, feeling a little better than I did before now that I’ve spoken to her and got some things off my chest.
“I’m going to go throw something on and see if I can cover up the dark circles that have taken residence under my eyes,” I tell her dryly.
She scoffs, giving me a ‘get real’ look. “You would look beautiful even if you went out with a face full of yellow spots.”
“Ewww,” I laugh, giving her shoulder a light shove. She just shrugs, not looking sorry about the image she just imprinted in my head and walks off, heading into the kitchen to wash up.
*** *** ***
I'm glad I decided to get a taxi to Logan's instead of walking and using the time to clear my head. The night air is chilly, and with the moon hidden behind the black clouds, the streets are darker, which has more shadows lurking.
The other reason I’m glad I got a taxi is because I’d never have found Logan’s flat otherwise. I’m still unsure if the driver hasn’t driven me out to some secluded place to kill me.
He’s driven behind some industrial buildings not far from the university that are in the middle of being renovated. When he pulls into a small parking lot, which is hidden in complete darkness, my pulse begins to spike. The only light is coming from the dashboard and the meter.
“Are you sure this is the right place?” I ask, putting my phone on my lap so I can grab the taxi money. I’m just glad I messaged Logan saying I arrived and am outside, because I’m pretty sure I’m about to either get slaughtered or the driver has taken me to the wrong place.
“Yeah, girl. See between those two buildings?” he asks, pointing over to the far left of the car park. When I find a gap between the two buildings, I nod. “It’s down there. You can’t see the doors from here. There are usually lights on outside, and some lighting the car park up, but they must have blown or been vandalised.”
I’m still looking towards the gap he mentioned when I see a dark figure step out, proving he’s telling me the truth. The figure walks closer, moving towards the front of the taxi, and the headlights shine on their silhouette, revealing Logan. Seeing him has me releasing a breath I didn’t realise I had been holding in.
“That’s who I’m meeting,” I inform the taxi driver unnecessarily. He just chuckles, amused. “Thank you for the ride.”
“It’s what you pay me for.”
I reach out for the door handle, but he stops me before I manage to open it. I turn back, seeing a concerned look cross his face. “Be careful. In my line of work, I hear things, and from what I’ve heard about this place, it isn’t a safe place for a young girl like yourself,” he tells me cryptically.
A cold shiver runs up my spine, but I paste on a smile, showing him his advice is appreciated but unwarranted.
“I’ll be fine. That’s my best friend and we’ve known each other all our lives. He’d never let anyone hurt me.”
“Well then, have a good night.” His hand is already reaching for the meter, looking for his next call.
“Bye.” I wave as I shut the door behind me, jumping when I find Logan closer than expected. I also notice he’s started the party without me, a bottle of beer already in his hand.
“I thought you were gonna leave with him for a minute there,” Logan jokes. “Making new friends?”
“Of course.” I smile. “So glad I didn’t walk. I’d never have found the place. Next time, warn me your place is a secret hideout,” I scold him.
“Some fucker blew all the lights out when they got drunk last night,” he reveals, but as we step inside his building block, his face darkens. “You’ve been crying. What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” I lie, waving his concern off.
He stops me, turning me to face him once we reach the top of the first flight of stairs.
“Don’t lie. Not to me. Tell me what’s wrong,” he demands.
I sigh, giving him an unhappy look. “It’s Alec. We had a huge fight,” I admit, not wanting to tell him that I think we’ve broken up. Just thinking about it has caused the tightness in my chest to come back. When my eyes begin to burn, I lower my gaze.
He grunts, but a guilty look crosses his features, making me wonder what he’s hiding. “He’s a dickhead,” he comments, but I’m still concentrating on that look.
“What was that look? Do you know something?”
“Nothing,” he lies, continuing on up the stairs. I follow, but I don’t drop it. I need to know what he knows. Did Alec cheat on me last night? Is that what that look was about?
“You forget, I know you too, Logan. Now tell me, please.”