Page 74 of Deadly Games
Allie pokes her head in, a bleak expression on her face. When she glances to the blanket, her face changes, relaxing, a small smile touching her lips. “Can I come in?”
“Yeah,” I tell her, blushing when I realise Cole and I are still holding hands.
“I’ve done some digging and found out who the blog girl is. Her name is Jordan. Turns out she isn’t allowed to post any stories involving rape cases. She did some digging after a court order was issued, ordering her to take down the posts. She found out it was ordered from a Judge Harper. Guess who Judge Harper is linked to?”
“Logan’s mum. He attends their summer barbecue every year. I remember meeting him.”
The guy was creepy as hell, always finding some way to touch me or leer down my top. I tried to stay as far away from him as I could.
“Yep. I asked her to send me what she had on Logan and she emailed me a bunch of blog posts that she had to take down. She also has some other posts that she can send over from recent months.”
“I thought she couldn’t post them?”
“She can’t, but it didn’t stop her from writing them. She’s been trying to find a way to get them out there. Using other people.” Allie shrugs.
“What did you find?” Cole asks, and I feel his stare on the side of my face.
“Same M.O as Willow and Becca’s attacks. The only one that doesn’t match is Rosie’s, but we know why that is. I hope you don’t mind, but I filled Jordan in on what’s happened and some of what we have planned. She said she’s game. She’s wants to see Logan and Jamie put away for a long time.”
“Can we trust her?” I fret, not wanting everything we’ve got going to be for nothing if she blows the whistle on us.
“I had CJ do a background check on her. Did you know I had to promise him a full English breakfast for it? I mean, I thought we wereteamplayers, and then he goes and blackmails me.” She scoffs, shaking her head, furious.
“Allie,” I call, thinking how adorable she looks when she’s flustered.
“Anyway, he looked into her, and it turns out her step-sister is also a victim. She pressed charges in 2014 against Jamie. The charges were dropped. It seems Logan is using his parents’ connections to protect Jamie too.”
“How the fuck have they not been put away?” Cole booms.
Allie winces. “I don’t know, but my guess, and Jordan’s, is that he has the police on his payroll.”
“We need to get to that chest,” I burst out urgently, my gaze flicking to Cole’s.
“What chest?” Allie asks, her gaze darting to both of us.
We quickly fill her in on what we know and she seems deep in thought. “I suppose you or CJ can find out when the next party is. I think I know someone who will go in for us.”
“Who?” Cole asks.
“Jane, a girl who works with me at the library. She’s a drama student and is always up for an acting job.”
“Um, she’ll need to drug someone,” I remind her, not seeing someone willingly drugging someone.
“That’s the best part. She’s a feminist. According to Alex, she’s always doing rallies around the university for women’s rights and other stuff. Last year, she did one for rape, fighting for the university to make the surrounding area safer for students to walk home at night. I’m sure if I explain everything to her, she’ll be up for it.”
“I think we can pull this off,” Cole announces, startling me. I honestly thought he’d try to at least talk us out of it or something, not to actually agree.
For the first time, I feel hope. I’ll finally be able to rest easy knowing he’s behind bars, and I’m sure all the other girls will too.
Cole ends up calling CJ to come over. A pizza is ordered and plans are made. And for the first time in a while, I sleep through the night. Whether it’s because I feel that hope or because I fell asleep wrapped in Cole’s arms, I’ll never know. I’ll take whatever peace I can get. It feels like years since I felt it, when really, it hasn’t been long at all.
Now all I have to do is pray that this plan works. Nothing can go wrong, otherwise we’re screwed.
We’ll only get one shot at this. After that, it’s game over.
After spending the rest of the week cooped up inside the flat, it’s nice to finally be out, even if it is pissing it down with rain. Nothing could have stopped me from coming out today, because today’s the day I finally get to see Cole in all his glory. He and CJ have a friendly game of rugby and invited Allie and I on Wednesday, when we stayed up all night making our plan to take Logan and Jamie down. Cole had called CJ to come round, and what was meant to be a quick briefing turned into pizza and planning.