Page 79 of Deadly Games
“Oh, no!” she says, waving me off. “We couldn’t ask you to do that. You’re going through too much already.”
“I want to. If it’s still okay with you.” I love Mia and loved watching her.
She searches my expression, like she’s trying to somehow read my thoughts. It makes me shift uncomfortably in the bed.
“If you’re sure?”
“More than, I’m positive. It will do me some good,” I tell her honestly.
“I can bring Mia over whenever,” Cole tells me, trying to be helpful.
We all stare at him, laughing, and I can’t help my reaction when my eyes reach his. Reaching up, I run my fingers over his unshaven jaw before meeting his eyes. The second our eyes meet, I get lost in the deep pools of his crystal blue eyes, and what I see reflecting back at me has my breath hitching.
Someone clearing their throat snaps me back to reality. My cheeks heat with embarrassment and I pull my hand away from Cole, looking down at the blanket, avoiding everyone’s eyes.
“Get some rest and I’ll text you a day and time about Mia,” Jackie tells me, amusement evident in her voice. It just makes my face burn hotter, knowing she just witnessed me feeling her son up.
“I’ll walk you out, Mother C.” CJ grins.
Looking up, Allie shifts nervously on her feet before looking back at the door.
“Yeah, I’ll go too. I’ll let you get some rest, and when you feel like it, I’ll make you some dinner.” She smiles, looking like she wants to do more, say more, but she doesn’t.
I give her a small, thankful smile and a lame wave goodbye. My body feels weak, and I’m emotionally exhausted.
A loud yawn rumbles from my mouth and Cole chuckles, glancing down at me. Not wanting to get lost in his gaze once again, I move across the bed to the other side. When I look back up at Cole, he’s looking down at the empty spot, his eyes full of hurt and confusion. He obviously thinks I moved away from him.
“Join me? We can watchChicago PD,” I tell him, and a small smile spreads across his handsome face.
He nods, chuckling when he reaches his small DVD shelf. Looking over his shoulder, he grins, and my heart picks up, loving the easy-going look on him.
“What?” I ask, a smile playing on my lips.
“TheChicago PDbox set is still over at yours,” he tells me, and I pout.
“Oh yeah,” I grumble. “What else do you have?”
“Random stuff really. I’ve gotHarry Potter. Mia watches it whenever we have her over.” He shrugs.
I want to snigger at the thought of this burly man watchingHarry Potterand blaming his baby sister for an excuse as to why. It’s actually kind of cute. It’s another side to Cole that no one else gets to see. It makes me feel like I’m special for seeing this side of him, like I’m the only one who does and he doesn’t care. He’s a guarded person in general, and in the short amount of time that I’ve known him, he’s only ever been himself around me. But when we’re around other people, he’s quiet, keeps to himself, and very rarely lets anyone in. I guess I feel privileged, and anyone else who gets to see this side of him should too. It’s a gift I’ll forever treasure.
“Do you have the first one?”
“Got them all, Low. She loves them,” he mutters, rolling his eyes.
“Are you saying you don’t?” I tease.
“It’sHarry Potter,” he mutters dryly.
“That’s not an answer,” I argue teasingly.
“It’s alright. That’s all you’re getting,” he tells me, seeming annoyed that he admitted it out loud.
I begin laughing, rolling to my side and clutching my stomach. His expression is priceless.
“Why are you laughing?” he asks, pouting as he finishes loading the disk in the DVD player.
“You. You loveHarry Potter,and you just admitted it,” I tease, laughing harder at his embarrassed reaction.