Page 95 of Deadly Games
“I know. I can’t believe I did that,” I admit, my hands still shaking now that the adrenaline has worn off.
“I’m proud of you,” she blurts out, and my head snaps up, wondering if I heard her right.
“What? I nearly told him what we had planned. I could have ruined everything, Allie, and for what?”
“You didn’t, though. You stood up for yourself, something I never did when it came to him. I wish I had half of your strength, Willow. I… I can’t even tell you how proud I am,” she admits, lowering her gaze.
“Yeah?” I ask, my lips forming into a small smile.
“Did you see his face? He looked like he pooped his pants,” she reveals, a small giggle escaping her.
That makes me feel a little better about going after the psycho. “Really?”
“God, yeah. He never saw you coming. He was too busy eyeing muscles out there to watch out for you. I swear, he’s going to have scars down his face.”
That does it. I burst into a fit of giggles. Allie moves above me, hugging me to her chest. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” I tell her, half laughing, half crying as I pull her down on me, holding her tightly.
“Hey, it’s going to be over soon. We’ve got this,” she promises. I nod against her shoulder, still not letting her go.
“Is this just a twosome or can anyone join in?” CJ teases, walking into the room. I catch him moving quickly, and before I can warn Allie, he’s on us, his heavy weight squashing us into the mattress.
“I can’t breathe,” I choke out, trying to wriggle free.
“Get off me,” Allie screeches, and when I catch her gaze, I see she’s bright red, and not from being squashed. I wink at her before reaching around her and tickling CJ, trying to shove him off.
He squeals like a girl the second my fingers dig into his ribs, rolling off the bed and landing on the floor with a thud.
“Anyone ever tell you that you should never tickle a grown fucking man?” CJ grunts as he gets up off the floor.
I cuddle against Allie, and answer. “Nope.”
“Well, shit, you shouldn’t. I’ve got a weak bladder,” he grumbles, giving us a wink once he’s up.
“What are you doing in here anyway? I told you to wait outside,” Allie gripes, looking none too pleased with him being in here. I know she secretly likes having him around. Whenever he’s not, she’s always messaging him, moaning while she does. She also asks about him whenever Cole’s here and he’s not.
“We’re watching a movie and we’ve ordered a pizza,” he informs us and moves onto the bed so that he’s sitting between me and Allie.
“Ugh, you take up too much room,” I whine, and smile when Cole steps into the room carrying four bottles of Sprite.
“Get comfy why don’t you,” Cole grunts at CJ, putting the bottles on the side.
“Put the film on,” CJ demands before Cole can take another step. Cole glances to the side, where the DVD has been thrown, and growls at CJ, yet he puts the DVD in without arguing.
“What are we watching? Wha—” I squeal as Cole lifts me up before sitting down on the bed, taking my place. I’m about to argue, but then he sits me between his legs, and any words that were about to leave my mouth die on the tip of my tongue.
“We’re watchingThe Fifth Wave,” he discloses, his lips close to my ear, causing shivers to run down my spine. My body shudders, and he takes it all wrong, thinking I’m cold. He pulls the blanket over us and I cuddle up against him, leaning my head on his strong chest.
“Are you hurt?” I ask, realising I never asked him before now. It makes me feel bad and kind of selfish.
“No, Low, I’m good. Prick can’t fight for shit,” he tells me, and I feel him grin against my neck before placing a gentle kiss there.
God, his lips!
“Uh, okay. Good.” I nod, my voice hoarse and husky.
“Shush. The movie is going to start,” CJ whines like a two-year-old.