Page 97 of Deadly Games
“Won’t the police just think you stashed it there?” Alex asks, and I blink. I hadn’t thought about that. I begin to panic, realising he could say we did.
“Oh God! You need to look through it, see if there’s something in there, and then call the police,” I tell them. I stand up and start pacing, the bad feeling in my stomach intensifying.
“Calm down. We’ll do this right. I’ve called my uncle already and he’s going to be outside waiting with his partner,” Cole promises, something I didn’t know until now.
“What?” I ask, wide-eyed. “They’re going to know if the police are there.”
“Hey,” Cole calls, demanding my attention. “They’ll be in plain clothes and in their own car. For the love of God, please calm down. I can’t take seeing you like this.”
“Okay, okay. Call me the minute you have something, though. I can’t sit here wondering what’s going on,” I reveal, arching my brow.
“We will. I promise,” he tells me, bringing me in for another hug. I wrap my arms around his middle, holding him close. I breathe in his spicy cologne, and the second I do, my body relaxes, melting against him.
“Everyone ready?” CJ calls, his voice muffled behind his mask.
“You could’ve waited to put that on,” Allie mutters, eyeing the mask warily.
I have to admit, they all look freaky. Cole didn’t want to dress up, saying no one would ever dare question him being there, but when he saw how against the idea I was, he gave in, saying he’ll wear a mask, just no makeup. In fact, he was pretty adamant about that condition.
Tilting my head up, tears gather in my eyes. “Please be careful,” I plead, needing him to be okay and to not get into trouble. I wish I could do something other than sit at home and wait. I feel useless.
Leaning down, he surprises me with a kiss. His lips feel soft against mine, and when he deepens the kiss, my knees wobble, my core tightens, and my belly flutters with arousal, which surprises me even more. When he pulls back, I’m breathless. Completely speechless.
“Be back soon,” he promises, before making his way out the front door. I’m still standing stock still in the front room doorway, stunned. My fingers brush lightly against my bruised lips, swollen from his kiss, when everyone begins to pile out after him with quiet goodbyes.
“It’s going to be okay,” Allie tells me, but I know she feels the same dread that’s been choking me. We both woke up feeling it and it’s hovered over us all day like a storm cloud.
“It’s not. We can’t sit here and do nothing. Something doesn’t feel right,” I tell her, and when I meet her gaze, she looks away with a guilty expression. “What’s that look for?”
“I… Nothing. Let’s watch a horror movie to help distract us,” she tells me, biting her lip. It’s when she fiddles with her glasses that I know for a fact she’s hiding something.
“Allie, please, don’t hold out on me,” I beg, grabbing her hands. When she proceeds to stay silent, I give in, the tension suffocating me. “I can’t stand around and do nothing. I’m going. I’m sure I have something in my wardrobe that can sneak me in.” I don’t wait for her to reply. I don’t need her approval. I rush down the hall to my bedroom, and for a second, I think Allie is following to stop me. Instead, she walks into her bedroom.
I’m rummaging through my wardrobe when she walks in. I give her a quick glance before turning back to her sharply when I notice the two black bags she’s holding. I eye them suspiciously, giving her a questioning look.
“What is that?” I ask, wondering if Cole gave her handcuffs to restrain me, or if CJ did. It seems like something he’d have lying around.
“They’re Halloween costumes. I got them after the meeting we had in the library,” she explains, shifting on the balls of her feet as she waits for my reaction.
“But you knew we couldn’t go,” I remind her, wondering why I’m wasting time arguing with her instead of getting ready and hightailing my arse out of here.
“I know. I just… I don’t know. I guess I wanted to be prepared for anything.” She shrugs. “Are you sure you really want to do this, though? It could ruin everything if they notice us.”
“Us? I can’t let you come,” I argue quickly, not wanting her in harm’s way. I couldn’t live with myself if anything ever happened to her.
She scoffs, rearing back like she’s insulted. “Willow, I need to help. You, of all people, should understand that. I can’t sit back anymore, and I’m not letting you go in there alone. You can either let me come and help, or you can carry on tearing through your wardrobe for something to wear,” she argues back, waving the costume bags, taunting me.
My lips part as I shake my head. “How much you have grown,” I tease, ignoring the nerves fighting through my system.
“Let’s do this then.”
“What have we got to wear?” I ask, wondering how she managed to snag outfits without me knowing. The girl hates shopping unless it’s for food.
She grins mischievously, and I have to bite back a groan. This can’t be good. Not good at all.
*** *** ***
Allie brushes against my arm as we walk through the dimly lit car park. “Are you sure about this?” Allie whispers.