Page 15 of Despite Mortal Sins
Isaiah didn’t respond. While Nina had most likely told Gideon the tidbit of information as an explanation for her absence, the Elemental would have no way of knowing that Nina wouldn’t have wanted it divulged to Isaiah.
Even though there was a peace treaty between their two clans, he and Nina weren’t allies even in the loosest sense. The two of them had parted so bitterly the last time they’d met that Isaiah had begun to dread their next interaction.
Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he nodded to the pair of Elementals before they parted ways. Lucius and Circe bid them goodbye before eagerly jaunting over to Drake and the other vampires. Derikles simply crossed his arms, remaining by Isaiah’s side as they assessed the festivities from afar.
Isaiah imperceptibly sneered while he looked over the assembled delegates. “I detest these things. Why must we parade ourselves around like human politicians?”
“If only I had the answer.” Derikles took a meditative breath before glancing around the room with the keenness of a predator on the hunt. “Perhaps I can find an amusing distraction.”
“I bid you good luck, but I have a feeling neither of us will be sleeping somewhere new tonight.”
Nero caught his eye and inclined his head in greeting before going back to speaking animatedly with a pair of werewolf alphas. Always one to make friends, the other sovereign had never met a person he couldn’t engage in lively conversation. Until Isaiah. The two leaders had never visited each other’s territory, nor were they in the habit of exchanging Christmas cards.
Beside him, a familiar presence brushed up against his senses. “Late as usual.”
“Keeping tabs on me, Ezekiel?” Isaiah didn’t bother to glance over at the other sovereign as Derikles strode away to give the two their space. “I wasn’t aware your resume boasted of babysitting duties.”
A gruff sound rumbled from Ezekiel’s chest, but he remained silent for a moment before speaking. “Word has it that Jaden will mount a challenge within a month’s time.”
“This is not news to me.” Isaiah cast Ezekiel a sardonic glance. “Worried you’ll lose your throne?”
The slow smile that lined Ezekiel’s lips was ominously dark. “I should like to see him try.”
Isaiah scrutinized the other Raeth. In one of the quickest challenges in history, Ezekiel had defeated the previous sovereign of his clan with mind-numbing ease. For the eleven hundred years since, Zeke had ruled over his clan, handily vanquishing all challengers.
At sixteen centuries old, Ezekiel was the eldest of the five sovereigns who led the top tier of Raeth clans. Undoubtedly, he was a force to be reckoned with, but the only ability of his Isaiah had ever confirmed was his capacity to function as a Blunt.
It allowed Ezekiel to temporarily strip any Raeth of his or her powers, thereby nullifying their defensive or offensive skills on the field of battle. In turn, that meant that Zeke was the only Raeth alive that Isaiah could spar with full tilt without accidentally killing him.
“Even the grandest thrones eventually crumble.”
Stepping away from the other sovereign after delivering the last word, Isaiah strolled through the assembled guests without acknowledging any of them.
In the sea of smiles and small talk, he barely kept himself from gagging at the utter pompousness of it all. He gave the Peace Accords a few more years before it decayed into the ether of nothingness from which it’d arisen. Peace among immortals was a delectable treat that the others pined for with no real tenacity to back it.
Raeths were built for war, pure and simple. And Isaiah, born of destruction, had been engineered to covet it.
Beside him was a makeshift dance floor where several couples had been lulled by the gentle hum of music. He recognized all the mated pairs: Aidan and Lucy, Kane and Nova, and Circe and Lucius, staring longingly into each other’s eyes.
The sweetness of surf and tide crashed into his senses. He belatedly realized where his feet had taken him. Before him stood the ravishing Elemental who’d marauded into his thoughts with startling frequency as of late. A picture of elegance, Rukia held a single glass of champagne while she spoke with a female vampire he didn’t know.
Such was Isaiah’s surprise at the errant destination that he’d missed the conversation taking place within his earshot.
The corners of his mouth turned up in the slightest smile. “Entertaining yourself, Rukia? Or are you planning yet another frivolous gathering?”
“We’re holding a convention on minding your own business.” The fullness of her crimson lips twisted into a sardonic smirk. “I got you tickets.”
“How kind.” Isaiah turned an unfriendly eye toward her companion. “And you are?”
“Adele.” The woman extended her hand in greeting. “And you are Isaiah.”
Waiting a beat before accepting the handshake, Isaiah met the other woman’s gaze with unflinching ease. “My reputation precedes me.”
“I’m afraid it does.” A flicker of disquiet passed through Adele’s near-midnight brown eyes before she turned her head and beamed at another delegate across the room. “I must leave you, I’m afraid. Rukia, you and I can catch up later.”
Isaiah inwardly smiled at the woman’s departure, which left Rukia with no choice but to speak with him.