Page 38 of Despite Mortal Sins
But Isaiah was no meek puppet, and he certainly was no gentlemen.
Faster than her eyes could track, the Raeth had her pinned against the rock to their left, the shards of sandstone biting unforgivingly into her back. Isaiah’s chest crushed against hers, a brutal reminder of his strength. His lips never left hers.
Both of his hands pressed into the stone on either side of her face, her eyes widening at the swiftness of his response. The rigid lines of his body connected with hers while he kept her contained, and she gasped in genuine delight.
But Rukia was thirsty for more, wanting everything he could give and uncaring she’d take all of what he offered. Demanding, she pulled at his shoulders, desperate for the connection with this man that’d captivated her since day one. He gave in, picking her up so she could wrap her jean-clad legs around his rock-hard abdomen.
Her arms draped around his neck of their own volition; their lips still magnetized to each other in a flurry of lust-filled longing. Now, having given in to the pulsing need between them, she’d never felt so full of life.
Rukia never wanted to let him go.
And that was when Isaiah suddenly stiffened, breaking off from her lips with a hasty movement that left her shaken and inexplicably upset. She found her feet under her no less than a second later.
Isaiah cut her off. “The children are coming.”
Chapter Fourteen
Isaiah’sbloodpoundedinhis ears as he fought to regain control over his desires. Literally quivering with the force of his need, he regulated his breathing to cast a chill over his unpredictable passion for the Elemental beside him.
Sucking in a breath, Rukia went motionless, undoubtedly attempting the same.
Two children, neither older than ten, bounded up the rocky stairs only moments later, their happy faces illuminating with joy when they saw him. Affection exploded in his core, his features softening when they ran up to him.
While Raeth young progressed mentally and physically at the same rate as human children, their development diverged as soon as they hit the early twenties. A young adult in Raeth society remained as such until they turned nearly a century old, their maturity finally reaching adulthood when they passed the mark.
“’Zaya, you’re back!” The younger of the two, Emma, launched herself into his arms and tightened her a hold around his neck. Nestling into him, she breathed a sigh of content.
“I’m back, love.” Isaiah held her close as the other youngling wrapped his little arms around his leg. A genuine smile bloomed as Emma snuggled into him and squeezed. “Have you been good?”
Instantly answering in the affirmative, both children bobbed their heads and looked up at him expectantly. Cocking an eyebrow, he gently set Emma down and knelt before the pair.
“Then I suppose you deserve a reward.”
Opening his palm, he manifested two pieces of wrapped chocolate, which the duo instantly snapped up. Zealous smiles abounded as they shoved the candy in their hungry mouths.
“And what do you say?” He prompted with an expectant raise of his eyebrows.
“Thank you, ‘Zaya!”
Danke, sov’ran!
Isaiah cocked his head pedantically when he looked at Deon. “We speak with our mouths when there are others listening, Deon.”
A chocolatey smile appeared after the little tyke swallowed. “Thank you!”
The corners of his mouth lifted as Isaiah stood. “Now go tell your mothers that I’ve fed you candy.”
Mischievous grins lined their faces as the duo of youngsters scuttled off to share their good fortune. Rukia hadn’t moved from her place, a beautiful statue at his side. Turning to cast her an inquisitive gaze, he exhaled patiently.
“I’ve never seen Raeth children before.” Rukia was fixated on the point where they’d disappeared around the corner, her expression soft.
“They’re our most precious gift,” Isaiah responded, his voice mild and mellow with the words on his tongue. “We don’t generally parade them in front of others.”
Rukia studied his features, her characteristic sarcasm having vanished with the flow of conversation. “Have you ever had children?”
“I’ve never mated.”