Page 41 of Despite Mortal Sins
A tick started in his jaw, and by the intensity behind his eyes, she knew she’d hit a nerve. In fact, the level of hostility roiling off him in waves was nearly enough to make her take a step backward. Yet, she held her ground.
Isaiah’s nostrils flared before his lips pulled back from his perfectly white teeth. “The only time I’ve invaded your privacy was when you were catatonic following Gideon’s death. I needed to know where to take you when you refused to speak.”
Rukia’s anger dissolved with the swiftness of cotton candy in water. When her mind reached for that night, the only thing she’d remembered was the safety she’d felt in his arms and her absolutely forbidding him from leaving her.
Mouth gaping as she realized her error, she tried to form words, to apologize for the rashness of her actions. But he’d already turned and started walking away. Tears pricked her eyes, the insensitivity of her hateful comment—and actions—toward him making her gut clench.
“I’m sorry.” The words were so quiet she hadn’t even realized she’d spoken them aloud. But the Raeth ignored her, now drawing further and further away from her, his shoulders full of tension that hadn’t been there before.
“I’m sorry!”
Her feet began moving again, this time much too quickly for the environment. She scrambled after him, desperate to apologize, the rocky footing sliding dangerously under her. But she didn’t care, not when she’d intentionally lashed out at the man who’d taken care of her when she’d needed it most.
Loose, the gravel of the pathway gave way beneath her, hurling her forward. Off balance, she pitched toward the ground, her knee colliding with a sharp stone as she braced her hands in front of her to prevent from hitting the ground.
But they never connected.
Isaiah’s arms encircled her protectively far before her palms collided. As her heart pounded in her ears, the adrenaline making her jittery, he took the liberty of seating her on a small boulder just off the trail. Dutifully, the Raeth kneeled next to her, his dark eyes preoccupied with the torn jeans over her knee.
“I’m no healer, Rukia,” he said regretfully when he parted the tear to get a better look at the welling blood beneath. “I can’t help you.”
“I’ve only skinned it. It’s nothing to worry about. One dip in the stream and I’ll be good as new.”
The comment, however, didn’t pacify the man who was still avoiding her gaze like the plague. “We should go back. I can teleport us back to Jaeda’s where she can mend you.”
“No, I want to see the stream.”
But Isaiah was still examining her skinned knee, the tenderness of his fingers against her broken flesh a kiss of sensation. He gave no indication of having heard her.
“Isaiah.” Slowly, she reached out to touch the top of his hand, her fingertips gently brushing his skin. Electricity arched between them as the Raeth went motionless against her touch. “I’m fine. Please, let’s just go to the stream.”
Lifting his gaze to meet hers, Isaiah examined her features. It was only then that she saw a trace of vulnerability behind his eyes, almost as if he believed he’d failed her in letting her be injured. When his attention ruefully plunged back down to her knee only seconds later, it only confirmed the sentiment.
“I’m sorry.” The words fell out of her mouth hastily, as if she’d never get the chance to say them again. “For what I said to you. I was angry.”
“Truth stings when it’s spoken, Rukia.” Isaiah stood with a poignant sigh. “Let us go to your stream.”
Holding out a hand to her, Isaiah waited patiently as she obliged and let him pull her up. But she didn’t loosen her grip on his hand afterward. She closed the distance between them and tangled her arms around his waist.
His body stiffened at the sudden and unexpected invasion. Above her, stuttering breaths tickled through her long ebony hair as she lay her head against his chest.
If she didn’t know better, she’d say he was anxious. This immortal man of absolute strength and infinite control was fearful oftouch.
Rukia lifted her head off his chest to study his features. “When was the last time someone held you? Truly hugged you for longer than a fleeting moment of time?”
“As I said, Rukia, I don’t have a mate.”
She wagged her head back and forth, undeterred. “Friends? Lovers? Surely you hug Jaeda?”
“Why would I hug Jaeda?” Features twisting in confusion, the Raeth gently extracted himself from her embrace. “The stream is close. I can teleport us there if you prefer.”
Rukia felt bereft when Isaiah came to stand an impersonal distance away. “No, I can walk.”
As they departed toward the stream, Isaiah never ventured too far ahead of her, and kept sending back glances over his shoulder as if to assure himself that she was still capable of walking. Rukia, on the other hand, only raised an eyebrow at his antics.
The man was far too protective for his own good.
When the bubbling brook of a stream sounded in her ears, she perked and filled her lungs with the blissful scent of water. She caught sight of it over Isaiah’s shoulder and bounded toward it with wings on her heels. The Raeth, sensing her abundant joy, merely let her pass.