Page 4 of Across Shadowed Paths
“Wyoming. And they’re wonderful, thank you.” Her sultry smirk triggered the barest of reactions behind Kaien’s eyes, an inscrutable emotion. “And how are things on clan lands?”
It was an intentional dig, knowing he’d come here as an escape.
“Brilliant, thank you for asking. It’s lovely to have my own home.” He cocked his head. “Forgive me, I can’t recall where you’d ended up.”
“Tonight?” Blair raised her eyebrows tauntingly. “Here. Tomorrow? Drake’s. Nothing is quite asfreeingas letting the wind carry me to my next destination.”
“I’ll be certain to hold my breath.”
Before she could respond to the salty quip, Nina grumbled from beside her. “You two are going to be the death of me.” Sinking into the chair across from Kaien, she manifested a paperback into her hands. “Can you not put aside this passive aggressive politeness routine for one night?”
Based solely on Kaien’s bland expression, Blair knew he had no intention of yielding his spot next to Nina. As if sensing her desire to steal the chair, he settled deeper into the leather and cocked his head provocatively.
“Would you like to share the recliner, Blair? I’m happy to make room.”
Blair gifted the male a noxiously sweet smile and dipped her chin coyly. “Such as sweet offer, but I’m afraid I’ll have to refuse. I know how you feel about having thrones to yourself.”
Kaien merely raised an eyebrow, remaining entirely unfazed by her reply. Instead of responding, he simply looked at her, as if daring her to double down.
She did not.
She strode over to the chaise next to the hooded window, unceremoniously kicked off her flats, and curled into its plush confines. Kaien’s attention dropped back to his book, the entire charade forgotten, even as she continued scrutinizing him from afar.
Cut in a classic crew cut, Kaien’s sandy blonde hair blazed gold in the warm light. Even through his dark grey shirt, she could clearly make out the strong lines of his torso and the rigid muscle of his biceps. Fingers curling as she resisted the deep-seated desire to drag her fingernails over the fabric to feel the strength of his body beneath, Blair bit her lip.
Would she love to sink her fangs into her sire’s twin brother? Yes. Would she love to caress his chiseled jaw line and leave claw marks all over his rugged warrior physique? Definitely.
But did that mean she wanted anything to do with the man other than use him as her own glorified chew toy? Most ardentlyno.
She could never respect a man whose entire life had been handed to him on a silver platter. He’d done nothing to merit his position as Nina’s regent apart from being her twin. All his life, he’d ridden on her coattails and profited from her hard work, and then had the audacity to be smug about it.
Chapter Two
Theborrowedbedroomshestayed in was impersonal and sterile, but familiar. When she woke up the following night, Blair was unashamed to acknowledge the butterflies fluttering in her stomach. Not only because of what she’d be doing in a few days’ time, but because she’d have to force herself into a commercialized version of what she truly was.
Though she didn’t have all the details, and the plan wasn’t fully formed, she wouldn’t give up the chance to get into Torrin’s building—nor his head. Months had passed since Lucius’ torture, and the humans’ plans were only escalating. She could wait no longer.
Cut off the head and the snake would die.
As day slowly gave way to night, she waited for Nina to return from her last-minute visit to clan lands. Something had been bothering her about the borders, and she’d wanted to check it out in person before they left for New York.
The rich, black coffee she held in her mug was cold, but the delicious smell remained. While she’d never liked the taste, Blair could appreciate the scent. Her eyes slid closed as she hummed in delight.
“Am I intruding?”
Kaien’s voice startled her, nearly succeeding in making her drop the mug. Spinning with inherent grace, she stared at him wide-eyed, thanking the fates that her eyes remained the same color. The infuriating male was lazily leaned up against the doorframe of her borrowed bedroom, looking unconcerned.
Swallowing the impulse to hiss, she cleared her throat. “How may I help you, Kaien?”
“You need to rethink this,” he said, devoid of emotion. “I’m still of the mind that sending you of all people into the lion’s den isn’t a wise decision.”
“Why wouldn’t we send someone who could teleport themselves out in case of trouble?”
She raised one blonde eyebrow, contemptuous. “And what—show every human on the news floor that the supernatural is real? The only teleporting I’ll be doing is when I have no other choice.”
“Isn’t there someone else—namelynota vampire—we can send?“ He waved his hand dismissively. “I’d be happy to take your place.”