Page 8 of Across Shadowed Paths
An immutable reaction, elevated heart rates reflected in the iris of a vampire, turning their natural-born shade to mirror that of the breed’s founder: Nina. Whether it was due to aggression, adrenaline, or arousal, no vampire could negate the change that revealed their supernatural nature.
Except Blair.
The recently vacated chairs creaked slightly as they spun. Blair heard Nina sigh. “Blair, put them down.”
Curling her lips in a wild smile, she loosened her brutal hold on Drake and Lucius’ necks. Their feet hit the floor, Blair exhaling a satisfying grunt before she purposefully turned her back to them.
She collapsed onto the chair by Nina’s side. Kane, having given up the fight, simply observed from where he sat pensive across from them.
Nina pinned Blair with a knowing look. “They are simply concerned for your safety, Blair. Need I remind you that you share the same complex for them?”
“I don’t need a keeper.”
“They know, Blair.”
Patting Blair’s thigh, Nina turned her attention back to the two vampires who’d cautiously moved back toward the table but still wore disapproval on their faces.
“You’ve voiced your opinions; there is no need to escalate matters further.”
Blair grinned vindictively at the trio, knowing that Nina’s word was law. What’s more was that the Peace Accords delegation had backed her mission—something she knew held merit in the eyes of the three men across the able from her.
The Immortal Peace Accords had been drafted and signed a year and a half ago. Prior to that, no attempt at diplomatic relationships between the immortal communities had been initiated. Before, there’d been wars and skirmishes that darkened the waters, feuds and conflicts that skirted the otherwise tenuous peace.
But now, in light of the collective threat facing their nations, every immortal society desired partnership and collaboration. Since the inception of the Peace Accords, a record number of inter-species mated pairs had arisen. Raeths, vampires, werewolves, and Elementals were no longer disparate communities. The societies had intertwined on a fundamental level, one that even their historians couldn’t parallel with any other era they’d recorded.
Blair would use the blessing of the delegation to suit her interests, but she’d never play by their rules. No man, immortal or otherwise, would ever tame her again.
Chapter Three
BloodtrickledfromKaien’slip before his eyes once more fixated on his target. Muscles coiling in anticipation, he stilled for a bare second before launching his attack, brutalizing the opponent in front of him in a flurry of punches and barely concealed aggression.
Surprised by his sudden ferocity, Remmus deflected the blows as best he could. A strangled sound emitted from the other man’s throat when Kaien deliberately caught him in an uppercut with enough force to knock the wind out of him.
Allowing Remmus to fall to the ground unencumbered, Kaien straightened to his full height. Heart pounding in his ears, he willed himself to calm the unsettled intensity under his skin.
“Damn it, Kaien,” Remmus sputtered, dragging air into his lungs as he lay on his back. “No one can spar with you when you’re like this except your sister.”
“Like what?”
“Hateful and brooding.”
Remmus righted himself to a seated position, his seafoam-green eyes narrowing. Raking a hand through his shoulder-length blond hair, the other Raeth scowled.
“You’re downright mean when you want to be.”
Swallowing a laugh, Kaien offered his sparring partner a hand up from the mats. “Another round?”
“Hell no. I’d prefer to leave with my dignity intact, thank you very much.” Remmus uncoiled the boxing tape from around his knuckles, allowing no debate.
“Suit yourself.”
Kaien freed his own fists, the movements familiar. He rolled his shoulders once his hands were unbound, but it did nothing to loosen the tension that had hummed through his body since he’d returned from Lexington.
Remmus had noticed. “What’s got you in such a foul mood, Kai?”
Kaien wiped off the blood that’d collected on his chin, absently smearing the crimson across his forearm. He shrugged noncommittally.
It was a lie. He knew exactly what’d ruffled his feathers. And the answer took the form of a vexatious woman he’d rather not mention.