Page 127 of Go Find Less
“I didn’t ask if you fucking love her, Westfall.” I swallow. Love. The thought hadn’t even crossed my mind, but now that he’s said it… “I asked if you care about her.”
He quirks a burly blonde eyebrow at me, his forehead creasing against the band of his backwards baseball cap.
“Are you sure? Cause right now, you seem a little wrapped up in the ex and your shit with her.” White hot rage bubbles up in my chest, and I step toward him.
“That was out of line,” I breathe. We’re even in height, and he just stares at me, arms crossed.
“He fucked your wife.” Brett says it with an ease that should really have only been reserved for an old friend. But instead, he crosses his arms too, and the three of them are squaring off at me like they expect me to back down.
But they don’t know me. Don’t know what happened, how it tore everything apart.
“He fucked your wife,” Kyle echoes, “and-"
“Watch it.” It comes out as a near growl, and Kyle laughs.
Actually laughs in my face.
I rear toward him, but Brett grabs at my collar, pulling me back.
Where the fuck did this come from? It’s been years since I went after someone physically - since I felt enough to want to hurt someone.
“There’s the Westfall we’ve been waiting for.” Nolan’s voice sounds amused. “Cracks in the surface finally starting to show.”
“He fucked your wife,” Kyle continues, “who was a royal bitch, in my opinion.”
“That seems to be the consensus.” Brett nods.
“And you know what?” Kyle holds his hand up, gesturing around. “It got you here.”
“To the bathroom?”
Kyle snorts, rubbing at his forehead, pushing his bangs back. “VP, you’re real dumb sometimes.” He sighs, leaning against a wall with his arms still crossed. “To all of this. To Piper.”
“She said you guys ran into Bethani, yeah?” I look at Nolan, nodding, unsure of where this is about to go. “Bethani may not have fucked her husband, but I think after tonight, you know that anything having to do with that situation is a mess for her.” He pauses, hitching a thumb at the door. “Did she go running when you two saw Bethani? Head for the hills and leave you sitting there wondering what you’d done wrong?”
“Piper didn’t doanythingwrong.” I sound incredulous, but Nolan just stares at me.
“You shut up, shut down, and walked. And she’s out there trying to figure out whether it’s becauseyousawRyan,” Kyle says, “or because Ryan sawyouwithher.”
My heart jumps into my throat.
“Oh, fuck.”
“Oh fuck is right,” Nolan agrees. “I love the dude, but Mickey fucked with her head in a lot of ways.” He gestures back toward the door again. “Now fix your shit and get out there before we miss Montero’s race.” I lean against the sink, gripping it again.
“What do I even say to fix this?”
Brett laughs. “Delmonico women are all the same.” I give Piper's brother-in-law a look of disbelief. “Piper may take after Luca, but in reality, they all want one thing.” He pauses. “Well, two things. Buy her books and tell her she’s pretty.” A surprised laugh bubbles out of me. “And of course, reassure her that this had nothing to do with her, and everything to do with your tiny, fragile male ego.”
Nolan nods, adjusting his baseball cap.
“In those exact words.” He puts a hand on my shoulder, and I have to fight the urge to cringe away. “The night is young, and we might all get lucky if we play our cards right. But you hurt Piper, and I’ll have an entire baseball team after your balls.” Nolan looks toward Kyle. “You too, dude. I don’t know you, but Montero is my brother, and I’ll be damned if either of them get hurt.”
And it’s all I can do to meet Kyle’s wide eyes as Brett and Nolan fistbump, leaving us to trail after them in a stunned silence.