Page 159 of Go Find Less
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Piper mutters under her breath, and I feel the side of my mouth tip up at the corner. We can laugh about the irony later.
“I think it’s pretty clear that no one wants you here.” He raises a brow at the couple in front of us. “Either of you.” Ten minutes ago, I would have said the same thing to him, had I realized he was in the room. Now, it’s all I can do not to give him a fist bump across Piper’s shoulder. Too much? I think that would be too much.
“I wouldn’t test these ones.” Mateo points his finger at Piper, her friends, and I. Our friends, I realize, because as much as they’re her friends, with the way Alex just laid into Liv and Ryan, that can’t all just be for Piper, right? “Westfall already took down a homophobe this month, we can add a shitbag ex best friend to the roster if we need to.” There’s a snicker from behind me that I know is from Vic, who I see move his arm to give Piper’s shoulder a squeeze. Several people look at me, including Andy, but finally, Ryan takes the hint, grabbing Liv’s hand. She hesitates, looking back at us.
“You can’t be serious.” Her voice is incredulous, her eyes scanning over all of us. At my hand with Pipers, at Andy, jumping into the middle of whatever this was. Of Alex, with her baseball-star husband, and Vic with his newly minted relationship. Even Jessica and her wife have sidled up on the other side of the bar, with Lizzy leaning against the bar top, cradling a bottle of water.
“Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.” Frannie’s dry comment wrings out several laughs, and Ryan all but drags Liv out the large wooden doors. I crane my neck, watching them climb into his car without another word, and I let out a breath, feeling my shoulders sag with the tension I didn’t even realize they held.
“If she hadn’t been like eight months pregnant,” Alex says under her breath, taking her drink from Nolan’s hand and downing it in two gulps.
“Four,” Andy says, and we turn to look at him. “She’s four months pregnant.”
“What?” Alex blinks up at him.
“With twins.” There’s a smile on Andy’s lips, like he’s thinking exactly what I am. Ryan may be one of the most mess-averse people I know, with his spotless car and tidy workspaces that I know drive him nuts with a pen out of place. He isfucked.
“Three under three.” Jessica’s voice is flat as she looks at her wife. “Yikes.”
“Yikes,” Alex echoes, and then takes Nolan’s beer, ignoring his protest as she downs that, too.
“Oh, go get another one, it’s not like we’re not friends with the bartender.”
“I’m not,” Nolan corrects, and Seer pops back out from the door next to him.
“Yes, you are.” She looks between us, her finger pointing around. “The husband of my best friend’s brother’s girlfriend’s best friend is my friend.” I don’t even have time to riddle out what that means before Mateo disappears to the kitchen, and Piper moves in front of me, her hand finding my chest.
“Are you ok?” I take another deep breath, shaking my head and meeting her eyes. They look about as shocked as I feel.
“Yeah, I think so.” One of my hands moves to cover hers against my rapid heartbeat, the other finding the back of my neck. Someone clears their throat, and we both turn to see Andy still standing there, arms still crossed, like even he’s not sure what just happened.
“Piper,” he starts, and we both tense. “Can we, uh, talk for a minute?” His eyes slide to mine. “In private.”
Chapter 62
“Notachance.”Idon’t think Fitz means for it to come out like a protective asshole, but that’s what it sounds like, and we both look at him, my chest shaking with a stifled laugh.
“Anything you need to say to me, you can say to both of us.” I drop my hand from his chest, lacing my fingers with his again between us.
“That’s fine.” Andy nods, looking around, and - I realize with a start - he’s embarrassed. Whatever he has to say to me is making him feel ashamed, and if there’s anything more surprising than Alex Calloway squaring off against Liv in Fitz’s defense (ok, sort of his defense), it’s a shame-filled Andy Martin. “I’d still like to talk…not here.” He looks pointedly to one side, and I see Alex’s eyes widen from where she’s peeking around the bar.
“Sorry!” she squeaks, and then there’s giggles from several people as she retreats, head ducking away.
“There’s an office,” I say quietly, appraising Andy as I point toward the staff office, and he nods, gesturing for us to lead the way.
He follows us into the office, and when Fitz clicks the door shut behind us, he meets my eye for a split second, and I give a minute. He can probably tell that I’ve noodled out whatever Andy is about to say, but I’d like to let the man work for it. You know, for old time’s sake.
He moves to stand next to me in front of the desk, leaning against it and settling his hand on my back.My reaction is immediate; I inch closer to him, and his thumb traces up and down on the fabric right above my panty line. Andy tracks the movement, his eyebrows creasing.
“Were you two together the last time I saw you here?”
“No,” we say at the same time, and I fight a laugh again. “Not that it’s any of your business,” Fitz adds.
“I deserve that.” I stare at Andy, and he puts his hand on the back of one of the uncomfortable chairs in front of us, his knuckles turning white as he grips it. “I deserve a lot worse.” He pulls his cowboy hat off, running a hand over his close-cropped, receding hair. He’s nervous. Actually nervous to say whatever he’s pulled us in here for. “I’ve been trying to figure out how to apologize to you, Piper, to make amends-"
I hold up a hand.