Page 23 of Fragile Designs
There was always a crisis. Gram was handling it far better than she could, so Carly bit her tongue. This situation didn’t seem to be the underlying cause of the tension she’d left behind in the living room, so what was going on?
“You’re not going anywhere until you make arrangements for Isabelle to finish her school year. How do you intend to do that?”
“I’ll handle it when I get back.”
“You’ll handle it now, son.” Gram pointed at the phone in his hand. “Right now.”
It was only six o’clock in California, but he sighed and picked up his phone. “I know the school principal. I’ll see what I can do.”
It was something at least. Even Isabelle looked relieved.
“I’ve got muffins,” Lucas announced from behind her. “And I smell the coffee. Perfect timing.”
At least it was a distraction.
Someone had brought in seafood for lunch, and the smell permeated the hall outside Bernard’s office. Lucas stepped through the open door and shut it behind him. He dropped into a seat beside his partner. “I have some information about what the Russians might have been after.”
Vince and Bernard wore identical expressions of interest. Bernard nodded. “So you said. What’s going on?”
“It stays in this room. The danger will increase exponentially if word gets out.”
“You know that’s impossible,” Bernard said.
Lucas leaned forward. “The lives of the Tucker family depend on it, boss. This news is huge. Give me two weeks of it under wraps. I’ll keep the two of you informed, but I won’t put it down in our reports. If I haven’t made progress in two weeks, you can inform the rest of the force. This is the find of the century.”
Bernard’s blond brows rose. “Okay, this better be true, Lucas. Spill it.”
“Carly found a priceless Fabergé egg. It’s been missing since 1922. Prior to that it had been held in the archive of the provisional government’s inventory in Russia, supposedly in the Armory Chamber of the Grand Kremlin Palace.”
“Never heard of such a thing,” Bernard said. “Worth a few bucks?”
“The last one sold for thirty million. This one is likely worth more, much more. The surprise inside is missing, and the Russians are probably looking for that too.”
He told the men about Mary’s heritage and how it might lead to more information about who knew of the egg’s existence and who might be after the treasure.
“Sounds very Indiana Jones-ish to me,” Vince said. “Crazy stuff. You’re certain it’s genuine?”
“I’m sure of nothing other than Carly believes it. It explains the intruder the other night.”
“Has Carly gone through everything in the attic? Maybe that surprise is still up there somewhere.”
“She hasn’t gone through everything,” Lucas admitted. “She’s going to do that, but it would make sense that Mary’s birth mother would have split it between the two girls. The egg would be worth even more with the surprise inside again.”
“Where’s the egg now?” Bernard asked.
“In a safety-deposit box.”
Vince frowned. “Is that safe enough? If the Russian mafia is on its trail, breaking into the bank would not be a problem for them.”
“I thought of that too. Could we stake out the bank for two weeks? I know it’s a lot to ask, but think of the contribution to history if we can solve this, Lieutenant.”
He wanted to add that it would be a great ending to a long career for his boss, but that didn’t have to be spoken. Bernard would have to realize the impact something this big would have on his reputation.
Bernard gave a slow nod. “You’re got two weeks, Bennett. I can’t authorize spending that kind of money for longer than that. But wow, if we can take down the Russians and deliver the egg to the world in one operation, it would be huge.”
That was an understatement. Lucas nodded and rose. “I’ll do my best.”