Page 42 of Fragile Designs
It was Sofia’s greatest prayer.
Carly blinked and realized it was after two. She closed her laptop and stretched out on the bed, but pieces of the story filtered into her dreams all the way to morning.
Carly’s pulse jumped when Lucas parked outside Kelly’s condo, and she wasn’t sure why she was nervous. Noah had slept the whole way, but he stirred when she lifted him from his car seat. Lucas grabbed the diaper bag and the baby gift, and they went to the door with Carly’s heart trying to jump out of her chest.
“You okay?” he asked. “You seemed quiet on the drive here.”
She marshaled her thoughts. “I can’t figure out why Kelly acted like she didn’t want us to come. She only agreed when I told her I had a gift for the baby. I always thought I had a good relationship with her.”
“Hmm, that is strange.”
“It made me wonder if she knows something about Eric’s death that she doesn’t want to share yet. Maybe they’re close to an arrest, and she doesn’t want to discuss it.”
“I think I would have heard from Robinson if that were true.” He shifted the gift to his other hand and knocked on the door.
It took a few seconds for the door to open. “Good morning.” Kelly stepped out of the way to allow them to enter, butshe didn’t smile and didn’t meet Carly’s gaze. The small entry opened to a hall that veered right into a tiny kitchen connected to a living room or left into the bedroom area.
Kelly led Carly and Lucas into the living room, where a candle filled the air with its apple scent. She gestured to the sectional sofa. “Have a seat. Caroline is asleep, and I’m not sure she’ll awaken before you leave.”
Her auburn hair curled around her head in a new shorter style, and she wore a trace of makeup that enhanced her green eyes. Her smile finally emerged, but was it forced or was it Carly’s imagination? And why would she sound hopeful that they wouldn’t get a chance to see the baby? It was all very strange.
Noah stirred and opened his eyes. His yawn turned into a squeak, and Carly settled him on her lap with his face turned toward Kelly. She put his plastic keys in his hand, and he clutched them in his tiny fingers.
“He’s darling,” Kelly said.
“Thank you. He’s such a good baby.” Carly leaned forward. “A lot of things have happened this past week.” She launched into the break-ins and the murders, and Kelly’s eyes widened as Carly laid out the events one by one. “I am more convinced than ever that Eric was killed by someone searching for something. Have you heard how the investigation is going? There might be evidence they’ve uncovered that would help with the new murders as well.”
Kelly’s frown deepened. “I haven’t talked to anyone at the station. Honestly, I’ve tried to stay out of it. I made the decision not to go back. My hours can be so unpredictable, and asa single mom, it’s hard to find day care at odd times. I have enough money for a few more weeks, but I’m looking around for another job.”
Carly felt deflated. She’d been so sure Kelly would want to help find Eric’s killer.
“Don’t worry about it, Kelly,” Lucas said. “We’ll swing by and talk to Chief Robinson when we leave here.”
“I’m sorry I’m not more help.” Kelly crossed her arms over her chest and tipped up her chin. “Having a baby changes everything.”
“It does,” Carly said. “You have to do what’s best for Caroline. When another person depends on you, your perspective changes.”
Kelly bit her lip and glanced at her watch. Carly couldn’t figure out why she was so nervous and on guard. It didn’t make sense. She took the NeverMore Books gift bag from Lucas’s lap and handed it to Kelly. “This is for Caroline.”
“It’s very nice of you.” Kelly opened the bag and pulled out three picture books.
She stared at the top one,I Prayed for You,and her lips began to tremble. “Th-thank you.”
Was she crying? Carly was mystified by Kelly’s reaction. She shuffled Noah around and realized he’d lost his toy somewhere. She patted the cushions and glanced around on the floor. “Do you see Noah’s key ring?”
Lucas joined in on the search, but Kelly jumped to her feet. “I think I hear Caroline.” She rushed out of the room like she couldn’t wait to get away from them.
Carly stood in case the rattle was hidden in the folds of her tee or shorts, but nothing dropped out.
“Maybe it fell under the sofa.” Lucas dropped to his hands and knees and ran his arm under the brown tweed furniture. “I think I got it.” He pulled back his hand, but instead of a toy, he had a real key ring. “That’s not it.”
He laid the keys on the coffee table, and Carly gasped when she recognized the key ring. It held the keys to the lake cottage she and Eric owned. He claimed to have lost them when he was fishing with his buddies the weekend before he died, and Carly hadn’t found them when she moved into Gram’s. Yet here they were—at Kelly’s.
Kelly returned with baby Caroline in her arms. The four-month-old had a tuft of blonde hair that stood straight up. Her big blue eyes fastened on Carly, and she gave a gummy smile. Carly smiled back, but her focus went to the baby’s soft blonde fuzz.
Eric had been blond. And his keys had been under Kelly’s sofa. Without stopping to think, Carly reached over and grabbed the keys from the table. She dangled them from her finger. “Kelly, Eric’s missing keys were under your sofa.”