Page 72 of Fragile Designs
After a restless night of veering between praying for peace and trying to distract herself by writing a page or two of her novel, Carly grabbed her phone after breakfast and retreated to the sunroom while the rest of the family lingered over the pancakes Elizabeth had whipped up.
She motioned for Lucas to follow her. “I’m going to call the auction house and get that egg out of my possession. Maybe the danger will vanish when they know I don’t have it any longer.”
“I’m glad you thought of it on your own. I was going to suggest it.”
She curled up on the lounge chair in a puddle of sunlight streaming through the windows. Her hand trembled as she called up Brian Schoenwald’s number. As it rang through, she put it on speakerphone so Lucas could listen in.
“Schoenwald,” the male voice said.
“Hello again, this is Carly Harris. I’m calling about the egg in my possession.”
“Ms.Harris, I’m so glad you called. We’re still on for Friday?”
“Could you come sooner?”
“I’m free today. If I can get a flight, I’ll text you the number and you can have the police verify it’s really me and I’m on that plane. I can be there by three this afternoon.”
“I appreciate the extra care. There are a lot of security issues here around it. You’re not wasting any time.”
“We are prepared to deal with those security issues. It’s what we do. And this is a find of utmost importance. I’ll text you a picture of me boarding the plane also.”
“I appreciate it,” Lucas chimed in. “I’m an investigator with the police department, and I’ll verify your identity.”
“Of course, Detective.” Mr.Schoenwald paused. “Are you prepared to relinquish custody of the egg to us immediately? If so, I’ll prepare a security detail to pick it up. That will take a few days to arrange.”
Carly’s chest compressed in an almost painful rejection of doing just that. But she had to. The longer she insisted on hanging on to the egg, the more people would be in jeopardy. She had no idea who had been injured—or killed—last night, but the thought that she was responsible haunted her.
She locked gazes with Lucas and took strength from the strong conviction in his eyes and the slight nod he gave. “Yes. I think it’s safest for everyone,” she said. “Go ahead and arrange it. If it’s what we all think it is, of course.”
“Very good. I’ll see you both this afternoon.”
With the call ended, Carly dropped her phone and buried her face in her hands. “This is a nightmare, Lucas. If Elizabeth and her family had been home, they could be dead right now.”
The cushion she was on sank with Lucas’s weight, and his strong arm encircled her. “It’s not your fault.”
She leaned into the warmth of his bulk and felt the steadybeat of his heart against her side. The scent of his spicy cologne mingled with the soap he’d used in the shower this morning. It was a very appealing combination. Time seemed to stand still, and she didn’t dare lift her chin to stare into his face. If she did that and he didn’t kiss her, she didn’t think she could stand the disappointment. Better not to go there when things had been so weird between them.
Struggling to find a somewhat normal tone, she clenched her hands together in her lap. “I know it’s not my fault, but I feel like I should have stopped it somehow. Um, have you heard how Vince is this morning? And Kelly?”
He removed his arm from around her, and she felt bereft. A lump formed in her throat that he hadn’t picked up on her vibes of how much she longed to be in his arms. She fumbled for her phone and swallowed past the lump.
“Vince is laughing and cutting up.” He pulled out his phone and showed her a photo of Vince’s family crowded around his bed. The big guy sported a huge smile.
“I’m so relieved.”
“Me too.”
“And Kelly?”
“No news about her. I did hear from the officer in Savannah, though. They’ve processed the house, and Elizabeth and her family can go in now. But I don’t think they should stay until we know it’s safe.”
She finally thought she had her emotions reined in enough to meet his eyes. “I don’t think Gram wants Elizabeth to leave. Like, not ever.”
He smiled. “I picked up on that.”
“Did Ryan come home last night? I never saw him.”
Lucas rose and stepped away. “Yeah, about one. I don’t know how he keeps those late hours.”