Page 56 of False Sins
Bronski’s requirement made Paige practically giddy.
“All I have to do is create a shadow account,” she explained, as if Jane had any idea what she was talking about. “They’ll get confirmation that the funds have been transferred, but in reality, they’ll be walking away empty-handed. And I’ve added a backdoor that’ll give me access to their account, so I can document the transfer. You know they’re not putting the money in a government-owned account. More evidence to add to the arrest warrants, once we get to that stage.”
Even on her best day, Jane probably wouldn’t have understood half of what Paige was talking about. With the stress of worrying about Kellen, her brain was less than useless. A good thing none of the details depended on her.
Bridger tugged the phone out of her hand. “Are you sure you’re up for this? We can go with plan B, or C, or D.”
“I’m good. It has to be you and me.”
The rough voice on the phone had made that clear.
“No, it doesn’t.” Bridger gestured impatiently. “They just want the money. Trust me, they won’t care who hands it over.”
She let out a shaky breath. The cowardly part of her wanted to agree, but if anything went wrong because she gave into fear… She forced down a wave of nausea.
The memory of Bronski’s raspy voice made her shudder. Thankfully, there hadn’t been much to discuss. He explained how he wanted to do the funds transfer and said he’d send meeting coordinates. Then he’d hung up.
The coordinates came instantly. Four p.m., at the back end of an old truck stop in the mountains east of San Diego.
The instant the coordinates came up on Bridger’s mapping program, he had smiled.
A scary smile.
Good if you were on his side. Super bad if you weren’t.
“They picked a spot within a couple hours’ drive of the murder site,” he said. “They don’t have air transport.”
Mason grunted. “So they’re definitely doing this off-book. Can’t exactly requisition a Bureau helo when you’re running a kidnapping.”
Bridger had shown her on a map. “They picked this spot because they’ll have time to set up before we drive in. They’re assuming we can’t access my team since we’re being chased by every law enforcement outfit in the state. Strike one for them.”
Tai glanced over his shoulder. “The second was picking this lovely tree cover. My drones are happy pups.”
The team reasoned that once the agents got the money, they’d try to take Jane and Bridger into custody for the killings. They’d add embezzlement charges later, certainly. With Jane and Bridger and probably Pete in custody, the four of them would retire early as heroes, without having to look over their shoulders.
Not a stupid plan.
So now she and Bridger waited, comlinks in their ears, surrounded by Bridger’s hidden team.
“Heads up, team. We’ve got a late model black SUV coming your way,” Tai’s voice came over the comlink in Jane’s ear. “You reading me clear, Papa Bear?”
Beside her, Bridger winced. “Five by five, Goldilocks.” His gaze shifted to Jane. “Sorry about the nicknames. He’s a loon.”
“Hey! I heard that.” Tai announced.
“Doesn’t make it any less true,” Mason muttered.
One of the women laughed softly.
“Bogies approaching from three o’clock,” Fenn warned.
He no sooner finished the warning than the big black SUV flew into the empty lot, tires bouncing over the frost-heaved pavement.
Jane clutched Bridger’s hand, her own fingers icy, yet slick with sweat.
“Lord protect us,” Bridger whispered and gave her hand a last squeeze before letting go.
She stared at the darkened windows until her eyes ached, but it was no use. She couldn’t see inside. Logic dictated that they wouldn’t have brought Kellen, but she couldn’t stop herself from hoping.