Page 77 of False Sins
Tai had a point. “No idea. I’ll figure it out on the way.”
“Interesting tactic. I like it.”
“Figured you would.”
He took a deep breath, steadying his nerves. No pressure. If he failed, Jane died. Kellen would lose the most important person in his young life.
As for himself, it was simple. He’d lose his everything.
It had beenover an hour since Bridger took off in the helicopter to rendezvous with Pegs. To Jane it felt like a week. Or would that be a year?
The screen on Paige’s laptop flickered as the image of the team at headquarters flickered in and out over the sketchy internet connection. Jane forced her thoughts away from her own dire situation, happy to get an update on Kellen.
“How are you holding up?” Kate asked Jane from the screen, her pretty face taut.
Even over the video chat, Jane caught the tense edge in the pilot’s voice.
She nodded way too hard. “I’m good.”
Tai grunted. “She’s not good, but she’s brave. Same diff.”
Fenn poked his head into view. “Any progress on the IED?”
The grim expressions on Tai and Paige’s faces said everything.
Jane tried to lean forward, but the edges of the belt dug into the top of her hip bones. She tried not to wince. “How’s Kellen?”
The teammates watching him hadn’t told him a thing. Everyone agreed they’d get Jane out of this. No need to frighten the kid. If things went south, well, she knew between Jason and Bridger and the team, he’d be okay.
Kate tucked a hank of dark hair behind her ear. “He’s good. Mason has him out hauling logs for the new equipment barn. I suspect they’re doing some target practice with Mason’s bows, too.”
Jane pressed a hand to her heart. “He’ll love that.” The few times Jason had come home during her disaster of a marriage, he’d taken Kellen out for adventures. The boy loved everything to do with the outdoors. Unlike his father, who hated being away from his creature comforts.
Kate glared at Tai, every ounce of her commanding energy came through the screen. “You watch yourself, Marine. I want you all back in one piece. Hear me?”
“Lima Charlie,” he responded, not a sliver of humor in his voice. “Back atcha, Captain Hackett.”
“Roger that,” Kate said. With a last nod at Jane, they ended the call.
Arms splayed across the back of the hangar’s worn couch, Jane stared out the wide doors, willing herself to stay still while Tai examined the bomb. She focused on the dry hills in the distance, wishing Bridger’s helicopter would appear. But the sky remained stubbornly, mockingly blue.
Paige closed her laptop and joined them, handing Jane a bottled water. “Here. You need to stay hydrated.”
“Thanks.” She twisted off the cap and took a long drink. The cool water soothed her dry throat. Amazing she could even notice a tiny sensation like that.
She shifted on the worn couch against the back wall, trying to keep the nylon straps from the bomb around her waist from digging into her ribs and eyed Tai and Paige. “You two need to get away from me,” she pleaded. “If this thing goes off...”
Tai glanced up. “Never gonna happen.” He slid on a pair of reading glasses and leaned in even closer. “What I am gonna do is figure out a way to disarm this thing.”
Paige perched on the arm of the couch, laying a hand on her shoulder. “We’re a team. We look after our own.”
Jane blinked back tears, overcome with gratitude for these two near strangers willing to risk their lives for her. She studied Tai’s intent face as he examined the bomb. The narrow reading glasses made him look like a quirky mix of mad scientist and Zen master.
“Nice specs,” Paige joked. “But I can’t quite decide, are you going for the intellectual pirate look, or the slightly wicked English prof?”
His gaze focused on the device, he waggled his thick eyebrows. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”