Page 46 of You Belong With Me
“Okay, here’s the tea. I went on my date with Andreas last night.”
Ricole interjects, “Oh, are you calling to tell us all about the hot, caveman sex?”
Ashley laughs, and I keep my voice serious.
“Unfortunately not. Now shut up and listen. We had a great time out to eat, but I couldn’t finish my dinner. He’s so sexy I lost my damn appetite. We made out in an alley and went to the cutest little bookstore, but that’s not why I’m calling you. When he dropped me off at my apartment, I went upstairs. Someone broke into my apartment and stole my bras and panties.”
They both gasp, and Ashley asks, “Please God, tell me you called the cops and didn’t stay the night there?”
“Of course I called the cops. I also called Andreas, and he came back and stayed with me until the cops left. Then he insisted I come back to his house with him. I fell asleep on the drive over, and I woke up in his spare bedroom, tucked in like a baby.”
“This has to be the same person who broke in last time, right?” Ricole asks, concern dripping from her voice.
I sigh.
“It’s a possibility. Plus, we have the weird note and phone call at work. Someone also texted me when Andreas and I were leaving the restaurant. They called me a whore for being out with another man. I don’t know. guys, it’s bonkers. Where the fuck would I have picked up someone crazy enough to stalk me?”
Ashley speaks up, “Maybe it’s someone from your past? Some ex-boyfriends or an old coworker who’s obsessed with you?”
“I’ve thought about that,” I reply, “but I don’t have any ex-boyfriends who are that crazy. And as for old coworkers, I don’t keep in touch with any of them. Greg is already engaged, so we can mark him off from the list.”
“Maybe it’s someone from work?” Ricole suggests, “You know, someone who’s been staring at you and has a creepy obsession with you.”
“That’s a good point,” I say. “I’ll have to look into that. But for now, Andreas is being protective of me. He even offered to let me stay with him until we figure this out.”
Ashley lets out a sigh of relief. “Thank God. At least you’re safe.”
“Yeah, when he gets done working from home, he’s going to take me to my apartment to get my car. He already has a moving company going to pack my things and put them in storage until I find a new place to live,” I inform them.
“Where can I get an Andreas?” Ricole asks.
I laugh at her comment, and answer, “Well, you just have to get a bartending job and piss off the hot owner. Apparently, sarcasm turns him on. Now, here we are.”
We gossip for a few more minutes, then we hang up and I curl up on the bed. I take a deep breath and allow myself to sink into the mattress, thankful that Andreas convinced me to stay here. I don’t know where else I would’ve gone. My eyes get heavy, and I allow myself to close them, falling asleep feeling safe, knowing I’m not alone in this big house.
* * *
“Wake up, Alana,” a male voice says as someone nudges my shoulder.
I bolt up in bed and send my forehead slamming into theirs.
“Oh, fuck,” I grumble, grabbing my forehead in pain.
It takes a second for me to remember where I’m, then I groan even louder when I realize I just head-butted Andreas.
“Jesus, your head is hard,” he says as he rubs his head.
His eyes twinkle and he laughs as he looks at me, and my breath catches in my throat. I take in his features, the cerulean eyes and strong jawline, the full lips. He’s so fucking attractive, it’s too much.
“Sorry. I was having a bad dream, and you startled me,” I ramble while trying to explain why I physically assaulted him.
He laughs and leans back against the wall. “It’s fine. I was just checking to see if you were ready to go get your car?”
I nod, still embarrassed.
“Cool. I’ll be waiting downstairs. Take your time.”
He leaves the room and lets me get ready to go. I brush my teeth and run a brush through my hair, then walk down the steps and see him waiting at the front door. He’s wearing a white cotton V-neck shirt, and it clings to his broad shoulders and thick biceps.