Page 10 of No Regrets
“OK team, the primary target is Kelly, but keep your eyes wide for Lazir,” Dex whispered into coms. “Alright, on me, let’s do this.” He paused for just a second. “Execute.”
The raid on the compound was loud and fast. Steve and Donnie had planted a few explosives up in the mountains for a distraction. As soon as the charges blew, using the element of surprise the team peeled off, approaching the compound from both sides. Reborn soldiers scrambled toward the blasts to investigate, but those that stayed behind were soon fighting back. They fired from their hip wildly, doing nothing but wasting bullets. Without Night Vision Goggles, their accuracy didn’t come close to theirs. Alpha didn’t miss.
Mackie and Tyler approached from the west, Dex and Ryan from the east. Donnie stayed on the high ground, picking off tangos and covering Steve as he set more explosives for their exit strategy.
Dex and Ryan made it to the main building, dropping anyone that got in their way. Quickly clearing the main floor, they jogged up the stairs and did the same on the next level. No sign of Lazir or Kelly. Scouring the lower level again, Dex pulled back a rug, revealing a door.
“Must lead to the tunnels, possibly to the caves.” Daram was known for its web of tunnels dotted through the mountains and hills, many rebels in the area used them to escape. Dex stepped in; Ryan stayed close behind, watching his six. After about fifty feet the tunnel split into three. “Any thoughts to which way?” he asked dryly.
“Nope, but we need to move fast. We do not want to get trapped down here,” Ryan replied, his eyes darting behind them.
No kidding. Dex moved along the first damp, dirty, narrow tunnel. It twisted and turned, joining another one.
“It’s a fucking rabbit warren.” he whispered.
Dex looked over his shoulder seeing Ryan with a finger to his lips. Not moving or even breathing Dex listened. Then he heard it too. Voices. He nodded, staying silent, as they made their way toward them.
When they turned a corner, the voices became louder. Dex stopped, signaling to Ryan to get in position and move on three.
One, two, three. Simultaneously they swung around the next corner, firing. The two soldiers dropped. Cautiously they moved to them and kicked their weapons away, ensuring they were dead.
“She’s here somewhere. They had to be guarding her.” Dex looked around but saw only stone and dirt walls. Where the hell was she?
Gunshots rang out. Bullets missed their heads by inches as they both hit the ground. Rolling onto their stomachs, immediately they returned fire. A scream echoed in the tunnel. They waited, expecting more bullets. None came. They continued, moving in tandem until they reached another fork.
“Dex, I got a door.” Ryan was in his ear. “It’s padlocked. What do you want to do?”
Dex moved next to him. The door was solid wood, a heavy steel lock securing it shut, like a damn jail cell. No way they could kick it in.
“Kelly? Kelly? Are you in there?” Dex spoke as loud as he dared. His heart threatened to beat out of his chest, desperate to hear her voice, but nothing came. “We need to blow it. Give me a strip. We just need to blow the lock.”
Ryan handed him a strip charge and they moved down the tunnel to take cover. No sooner did it detonate then Dex ran back. Gun raised; he scanned the room in the dim light while Ryan covered him.
“Kelly?” His voice was softer now but still, there was no response. Something scurried across the floor. Goddamn rat. Taking another step forward, his gaze caught a dark shape in the corner. Edging closer, he couldn’t make it out. He pulled a small penlight from his pant pocket, aimed it at the dark shape and froze.
It took several moments to take in what he was seeing. His Kelly was naked, curled in a tight ball. Welts, cuts, and bruises mixed with smeared dirt and dried blood covered her body. One eye was almost swollen shut. Her thick silk hair was a tangled mess.
“Hey boss, she there?”
“Yeah,” he croaked, swallowing hard. Get your emotions in check, Dawson. Not the time.
“I don’t know.” His voice was husky. Shit, what if he was too late? What if she was...
His coms came alive, breaking his thoughts.
“Guys, we have around a dozen hostiles approaching the compound from the mountains,” Donnie alerted the whole team. “I can pick some off, but we are going to get overpowered real quick. We need to move to exfil now.”
“Dex, let’s go,” Ryan whispered.
“I need a minute,” he snapped. “Kelly, it’s me, Dex.” He knelt, aiming the light beside her head so he could see her face. His heart sank. Fuck no. Those big brown eyes were glazed, not moving, not blinking. She stared blankly at the wall. Taking off a glove, he pressed two fingers to her neck, checking for a pulse. She flinched at the touch. Relief swept through him when she turned her head slightly to look at him.
“Hey, it’s me. I’m getting you out of here.” No response, Hollow eyes stared at him. Holy shit. What the fuck had that bastard done to her? There was not a trace of recognition on her face. Her eyes were cold and empty. He reached out to touch her hand. She flinched again, pulling away.
“Baby, can you get up? Can you walk? We need to move. Get you out of here.” Her eyes focused on him. The cold distant look tore at his heart.