Page 105 of No Regrets
Kelly quickly got an overnight bag together, not knowing how long she’d be gone. As Sam drove her in the Cadillac, she began to feel more than a little embarrassed. She was a lieutenant in the Navy, had training, and yet she’d called Sam in a frightened state of panic.
“Sorry I dragged you away from the team, sir. I didn’t handle that too well. A little embarrassing considering I’m in the Navy, have seen combat and threats before.”
Sam glanced at her. “Don’t be sorry. You were right to call. We don’t know quite who or what we’re dealing with here. And I’m sure you’re still a little fragile and that’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”
A blush crept over her face. He obviously knew everything that had happened.
“Regardless, thank you for being here, Captain.”
“We’re a little more relaxed at Onyx, so you can drop the formalities. Call me Sam. I’m sorry you got dragged into this.”
Kelly didn’t respond, keeping her eyes focused on the road ahead. Just what exactly had she got dragged into?
KELLY’S STOMACH GROWLED at the smell of fried food wafting through the door as Sam walked towards her. She’d been working non-stop since Sam had brought her to Onyx HQ a couple of hours ago. He’d gotten her cleared and told Commander Johnson she was “on loan” to assist on an operation, speeding up the clearance process. And wow, what a place. Dex and the team had definitely landed on their feet. No wonder they were happy. This place was impressive, the most sophisticated technology she’d ever seen.
“Thought you might be hungry.” Sam handed her a brown bag. “Hope you like greasy food.”
“Right now, I’ll eat anything. Thank you.” She took the bag and a soda he held out.
“Any luck?” he asked sitting across from her. She opened the bag, finding a burger and fries inside.
“No, nothing yet.” She took a bite of the burger, groaning at the taste of it. God, she was starving.
Sam grinned. “Hungry?”
“Mmm. This is so good.”
They sat in silence for a few minutes, eating. Kelly glanced at him between bites, pondering whether to push him for more information.
“Something on your mind?” Sam said before taking a swallow of soda.
She put down the burger and looked at him. “Sam, I know there’s been at least one other threat. I may not have as high security clearance as you, but I do have security clearance. And I’m involved now. It would help to know.”
He took another bite of his burger. Kelly went back to hers, hiding her frustration.
“There have been four threats in total so far, not including yours.” Sam screwed up his burger wrapper and threw it in the trash can before continuing.
“The first threat was the day after the funeral. Dex found the envelope on his doorstep when he got home from a run. The second was the next day, stuck under the back of his truck’s bed cover. He only noticed it when he arrived here that morning. The third was on his windshield after he stopped into a coffee shop. The fourth, you know.”
“So, this guy has been following him.” Kelly stopped eating.
“Seems that way, and that’s probably how he knows about you. My guess is when he went back to plant the second in the truck, he saw the cameras, so changed tactics. Followed him to the coffee shop, did it there. The one in the mailbox is out of range of the cameras. Ballsy, but it sends a message that he can get close. I doubt he’d go back to the house, too risky. More likely change tactics again. If he’s been watching, he’d notice Dex hasn’t been home. Might be why he chose you instead.”
“And Dex hadn’t suspected anyone watching?” That wasn’t like him. Jeez, Dex spotted everything, everyone.
“No, which is why he’s so pissed off. Whoever this is, he’s getting the better of him, which to be fair, is pretty impressive, considering Dex’s skill set.”
“No kidding. Or maybe it’s because the person is hiding in plain sight.”
“As in, he knows them?”
“Or it's just someone he’s used to seeing around, wouldn’t consider a threat.”
Sam nodded. “Makes sense.”
“What were the other threats?”
Sam hesitated for a second before reaching for his phone. “Mira. Send over the pictures of the other notes to Kelly.” He hung up. “You’re right. The more eyes we have on this, the sooner it gets dealt with, and right now I’m a little tied up with something else.”