Page 130 of No Regrets
They stayed that way for what seemed like minutes but could only have been seconds.
“I take it the timer stopped?” bomb squad guy said sarcastically.
Dex glanced down. The timer had stopped at thirty-two seconds. A smile spread across his face. “Shit, yeah. It’s stopped. You fucking did it, man!”
“Not out the woods yet. Don’t move.”
“What now?” His smile turned to a frown. All he wanted to do was get Kelly out of there.
“I just need to make sure the motion sensors aren’t booby-trapped. Won’t take long.”
“Did you hear that? It’s almost over, baby.” God, he couldn’t wait to hold her, stop the tears rolling silently down her cheeks.
“It’s really stopped?” she whispered.
“Yeah. It’s stopped.” She was biting her lip. “Just a little bit longer and we can get the hell out of here.”
“OK, we’re clear.” Bomb squad guy slid out from under the chair.
“You sure?” Dex didn’t want to question the guy's skill, but this was his girl here.
Bomb squad guy stood up, holding the device, and chuckled. “I’m sure.” He placed it in the secure box and then took off his protective headcover. “You got some balls, man.” He grinned at Dex before he made for the door to give the all clear to everyone outside.
“Want to get out of that chair?” Dex took her hands, his heart about to burst.
“Yes, I do.” She gripped his hands and gingerly stood up. No sooner upright though, then she collapsed against him, and he gathered her in his arms, squeezing tight.
“It’s over, baby. It’s over.” Hell, he was never letting her go.
She sobbed into his chest, big sobs that shook her whole body. Holding her tight, he let her get it all out. “It’s all over, baby. I’m so fucking proud of you.” The fact that she hadn't lost it before now amazed him. She mumbled something against his chest. He pulled back and lifted her chin to see her eyes.
“I didn’t hear you. What?” He searched her face. The bruise on her cheek had turned a dark shade of purple and dried blood stained her chin. Christ, he’d nearly lost her again.
“You didn’t leave me. I can’t believe you didn't leave me.” Her eyes were wide with amazement.
Dex smoothed the hair back off her face. Those big brown eyes bore into him with so much love he could barely breathe.
“I’m never leaving you again.”
Reyes Lazir paced his windowless room, furious. He had trusted Saleem, created him, gave him a life, opportunities, the chance of revenge, and this was how he repaid him? The stupid man honestly thought they would do a prisoner exchange. He always thought Saleem was intelligent, but that small lapse in judgment had cost him his life.
Reborn’s American cell network would be destroyed over this. He needed a new leader there fast. If he didn’t get things back on track quickly his financial backers would become impatient and might pull out. He had put far too much time and effort into this not to see it through. Then there was Dawson and the woman. Both were alive and free. That was unacceptable. He was stuck living underground, never seeing daylight because of them.
His new living quarters had been built into the mountain, connected to the compound via tunnels. He was able to go between the two, completely out of sight, undetected by any drones, or satellite images. He stopped in front of his small desk and studied the two photographs. Commander Dexter Dawson and Lieutenant Kelly Kimber. He had not seen the sun rise in four months and these two were walking free.
“You can't escape me forever,” he said. “When the time is right, I will have you both. It is Allah’s will.”
The explosion deafened him. Everything happened so quickly. Gunshots, flashbangs, shouting. Strong arms grabbed him. His hands were yanked behind his back and secured. A large man, dressed in black from head to foot, stood in front of him.
“Commander Dawson and Lieutenant Kimber send their regards.”
It had been four days. After getting checked out at Westside, there were a round of debriefs, where she and Dex and the team had been split up to go over what happened. It took hours. Sam had finally called a halt to it. When Sam spoke, people listened. They’d got home around midnight, drained and exhausted. Stretching, she smiled remembering how Dex had undressed her, taken her into the shower where he washed her body and her hair before toweling her dry and carrying her to bed. She’d snuggled into him and must have fallen asleep in seconds.
They hadn’t left the house since. Dex had been sidelined due to the knife wound in his shoulder. Though only a flesh wound and not hitting any muscle, Dex had been ordered by Sam not to go the farm for a week.