Page 60 of No Regrets
“Oh, give me time.” She gave him a tentative smile.
“Fair enough, I deserve that. You look great. How’s work? I haven’t seen you on base.”
“Works great. I’m really enjoying getting back into it. Keeps my mind busy. I haven’t been on base much, but I plan to start going there a little more now...”
Dex finished the sentence, “Now that you don’t have to worry about bumping into me and it being awkward?”
“Well now that you mention it.” She grinned at him, before sipping her coffee. ‘So, what’s this news?”
“I’m leaving Alpha.”
Kelly almost spat out her coffee. “What?” Dex was Alpha. Why on earth would he leave? “Is this because of me? That op, the NJP?”
“Whoa, slow down. Firstly, my NJP was because of me, not you. You know it wasn’t my first NJP and it probably wouldn’t be my last. So, no more saying it’s because of you or we won’t be friends.”
While his tone was light, Kelly got the message. Everyone repeatedly told her it wasn’t her fault, and, while her logical brain understood that, every now and then the doubt crept in, especially when the team leader tells you he’s leaving.
“Alright, I hear you. So why?”
She listened as Dex told her about the black ops team, Sam, and the offer he’d made to the rest of Alpha.
“Are you sure you should be telling me about this?”
Dex shrugged. “Maybe not. But I trust you.”
“It sounds fantastic. Although it seems even more dangerous than what you do now.”
“Awe, you’re worried about me.”
Rolling her eyes. “I worry about the whole team.”
“The risks are greater, but we’re good enough. I know it.”
“And the team said yes?”
“Ryan has. I told the rest of them to sleep on it. I want them all to come with me. That’s me being selfish. They need to do what’s right for them. Just because I want to operate until I physically can’t, doesn’t mean the rest of them want to. Who knows. Mackie’s only twenty-five, he might want to go Admiral route, or lead his own SEAL team. I would never want to get in the way of any of them choosing their own path.”
“Look at you, all grown up, thinking about them.”
“Yeah, I’ve had a few lessons recently. Made me look at a lot of things differently.”
Kelly looked away. The sun was kissing the horizon, the beautiful orange glow shimmering across the waves.
“So, when do you start?”
“Not sure. Sam wants me there yesterday, so hopefully right after my NJP finishes.”
“I’m happy for you. It does sound like the perfect position for you.”
“A new challenge. I’m ready for it.”
“Black ops. So, you could be the team that goes after Lazir?” Fuck, where had that come from? She sensed Dex’s surprise.
“Yes. We could be. And if I’m honest. I want it to be,” he said.
Kelly kept her gaze on the setting sun. “Please tell me that’s not the reason you’re taking this position.”
“Kelly, look at me.”