Page 1 of No Mistake
Chapter 1
What the hell am I doing here? Did people really like this music?
Dr. Sophie Summers laughed at herself. Was this a sign she was getting old? She stood at the bar in a nightclub Chloe had insisted they go to on her last night in Los Angeles. Her younger sister had been so eager to go dancing Sophie reluctantly agreed, though she was now wishing she hadn’t. Clubbing was definitely not her scene.
Sipping some blue cocktail Chloe ordered, she watched her sister letting loose on the dance floor among a lot of scantily clad girls. The average age in this club must be twenty-three. Sophie glanced down at her tight jeans and off-shoulder top. Jeez, who knew you could feel so old at thirty-two?
As much as she loved her sister, a week’s visit was more than enough. Sophie couldn’t wait to get back to Coronado, to Westside hospital and her emergency room. The hours were long, and it allowed very little time for any kind of social life, but she loved it. Chloe had followed in her footsteps, entering the medical profession. Currently, she was a second-year surgical resident. With both their grueling schedules, they didn’t see each other as often as they would like, so this week had been a luxury. They’d spent the week shopping, eating out, hitting the beach, and just chilling. Sophie had loved every minute of it, until tonight. But watching Chloe dancing now, it was worth it. After what they’d been through, she loved seeing her sister so happy.
Chloe was talking to a man as they danced together, flirtatious and sexy. She tried to ignore the small pang of jealousy at how comfortable and confident her sister was around men. Chloe wasn’t seeing anyone, not interested in anything long-term, casual flings being more her thing while she focused on her residency.
Sophie didn’t do casual flings. Her career had always taken precedence, together with watching out for Chloe, who was five years younger. There had been Mark. After him, though, she hadn’t really wanted to date. That had been a year ago. Maybe she should be more like Chloe, try not to take dating so seriously and enjoy the moment.
Mmmm, like a moment with Ryan Baxter. Now that would be enjoyable and extremely memorable. God, just thinking about him, and that kiss, made her skin burn and arouse feelings that had been lying dormant far too long.
“Hey, sis. I want you to meet Ricardo.” Chloe hung on Ricardo’s arm, smiling up at him. Sophie hadn’t noticed them leave the dance floor, so wrapped up in her thoughts.
“Ah, you must be the lovely Sophie.” Ricardo smiled at her.
“Nice to meet you.” Sophie smiled back There was an accent there, but she couldn’t place it. Tall, good-looking, broad, muscular, perfect white teeth. Yeah, she could see why Chloe liked him, although he looked quite a few years older than her.
“Come dance with us, Sophie.” Chloe grabbed her hand and pulled her toward the dance floor, Ricardo following. The last thing she wanted to do was dance among these kids, but to please her sister, she could dance for a while, then excuse herself and get the hell out of there.
The cocktail had relaxed her a little, so she danced alongside Chloe, surprisingly enjoying herself. Ricardo stood behind her sister, his hands wandering up and down her body, over her hips and ass. Chloe’s little black mini dress rose a little too high. Was she imagining it? Every time she looked toward him, he seemed to be staring intently at her. His gaze was somewhat unnerving, making her uncomfortable. Ignoring him, she danced, letting herself get lost in the music and thoughts of Ryan.
Ryan Baxter was a Navy SEAL based in Coronado. Sophie was no stranger to Navy guys, Coronado being home to the second largest naval base. Ryan and the rest of his team had been in her emergency room more times than she could count. Knife wounds, gun shots, broken bones, torn tendons. Thankfully none of their injuries had ever been life threatening, a testament to their skill and training. Sophie had noticed Ryan the very first time she tended a knife wound he got on an op five years ago. Ryan, with his short dirty blonde hair, tattooed arms and six-foot two body of perfectly sculpted muscle got her attention, as female hormones going wild attention. Those kind of thoughts about a patient were not appropriate, though, and she’d quickly shut them down.
Over the years, she’d gotten to know all of Alpha team. Ryan was always polite, cheerful, funny, and she enjoyed their conversations. But she was an average blonde. Average height, average weight. Mouth too big and boobs too small. A man like Ryan Baxter could have any woman he wanted so, of course, he wouldn’t look twice at her. Then she had met Mark and thought she’d left any fantasies she’d had about Ryan behind.
Then, a couple of weeks ago, Ryan had asked her out to dinner, completely catching her off guard. Ryan asking her out? Oh yeah, she was tempted, but no flings, even for him. Let’s face it, Ryan wasn’t going to want a long-term thing, especially not with her. He'd get bored in no time. What with her work schedule and his, it would be a disaster waiting to happen. And he was Navy. After Mark, she’d sworn off Navy men for life. Nope, she had no plans of being another notch on what was probably an impressive bedpost. Turning him down had been the right thing to do. Better to keep her distance. But the fantasies often came flooding back. Boy oh boy, her fantasies were hot and wild when it came to Ryan. When one of them became a reality last week, holy shit, it had surpassed anything she ever imagined.
Dexter Dawson, Ryan’s team leader and his girlfriend, Kelly, had been hosting a barbecue at their home. When it came time to leave, just as Sophie reached her car, footsteps sounded behind her. Ryan stood just a few feet away. God, he was so damn hot. Over this past week, she’d replayed what happened next in her head way too many times.
“Leaving already?” His southern drawl was sexy as hell.
“Where are you going?”
“To visit my sister in LA.” She opened the car door, placing her purse inside.
“You mean there’s two of you?” He stood there grinning, hands in his pockets, so cute.
She smiled, embarrassed by the blush creeping over her face.
“Let me take you to dinner when you get back.” Why was he still after her? She’d told him no.
“Ryan, I already told you I don’t date Navy men.” Blame the job, way easier.
“I’m not traditional Navy anymore, you can’t use that excuse.” He’d stepped closer, her breath hitched.
“Whatever you are, it’s the same thing.”
“Nope. It’s not.” He moved even closer, stopping just inches from her. God, she could smell him, all male, all hot, right in front of her.
“Ryan, you guys are away all the time, I have a crazy schedule...” She couldn’t finish. He had stepped forward, closing her car door, and pinned her between his arms braced against the car. Her hands were sweating, her breath quickened, and her nipples pressed against her top as her body reacted to this alpha male standing so damn close.
“Not away so much anymore, and I can work around your schedule.” The words barely registered. She tilted her head up to find him studying her face. His breath warmed her skin, and there was no mistaking the hunger in his gray eyes.