Page 101 of No Mistake
The nurse returned with the pills and Sophie took them gratefully.
“You’re clear to go, doctor.” The nurse smiled.
“Thank you. Has a medevac landed?”
“No. No medevacs. Do you need me to check on one?”
Sophie shook her head. “No. It’s fine, thank you.”
The curtain opened. Kelly rushed in and wrapped her up in a tight hug. “Thank God, you’re alright.”
“I’m fine.” She hugged her back and waited for the nurse to leave before asking. “Ryan? What’s happening? Can you tell me?”
“I won’t lie to you, Sophie. It’s bad.”
“Tell me. I want to know whatever you know.”
Kelly stepped back and took one of Sophie’s hands.
“He was stabbed below the ribs, twice. They left him to bleed out. By the time the team found him, he’d lost a lot of blood.”
Sophie shook her head. “Oh God. How much blood?”
“I don’t know. Tyler stemmed the bleeding on the ship. A medevac has picked him up and should be landing here in a few minutes. Surgery is on standby.”
Sophie stood up. “I need to be there when he comes in.”
“No. Sophie, you can’t. You know that. You’re too close, and after everything you’ve been through, you can’t be in the room. Plus, you’re not a surgeon. Let them do their job.”
A strangled sob escaped her and she vaguely registered Kelly hugging her again. She’d gotten him into this. Now he was fighting for his life. He wouldn’t have hesitated to sacrifice himself to save her or her sister. Any member of the team would have done the same. But being here, in the reality of it, was unbearable. A fierce pain burned in her chest, her heart constricting. It was too much to bear.
“Sophie, come on. Ryan’s tough. He’s a fighter. And he’ll keep fighting because he has you to come back to.”
Sophie straightened up and grabbed a tissue from the bedside cabinet to wipe her eyes.
“How are you so calm? You, Dex. He’s family to you.”
“He’s family to the whole team. We’re all worried, trust me. The rest of the team are still on the ship. They still have a job to do. I know it’s hard, but try and stay positive. It’s all we can do right now.”
“Why are they still there? All the hostages got off?”
“They haven’t secured Ricardo yet,” she said quietly.
“Oh God, it was him? He stabbed Ryan?” Sophie said.
“Yes. I can’t say anymore. They’ll find him.”
“I had no idea when I got Ryan involved when Chloe went missing, that it would lead to this. I can’t get this picture out of my head of Ryan bleeding out.”
“None of us want to see any of them get hurt, but this is what they do. How many times have you fixed Ryan up before? The team, Christ, the whole damn Navy base. This is what makes them stand out from everyone else. Their dedication and commitment to save others. They know the risks.”
“I know.” Sophie sighed. “I’m not sure I can handle this, though. I mean if Ryan and I...” She trailed off.
“You can handle it because you’re strong. And if you really want to be with him, you’ll find a way to accept the risks. It makes the time you are together even more special.” Kelly gave her a small smile. “And I’m right here. My turn to be there for you. But not just me. The whole team is here for you, always.”
Sophie squeezed Kelly’s hand. “Thank you.” The door opened and Sam stepped in.
“I just wanted to check on you, Dr. Summers.” Sam held out his hand.