Page 115 of No Mistake
“Why did you want to find him?”
Ryan told him what Mark had done, the mental abuse he had dished out, the way he had treated Sophie, and probably countless other women.
“Fuck, Ryan, that’s seriously out of line. She could press charges. The Navy would kick him out.”
“I said that, but it’s her word against his. She never reported anything, and they lived together. With mental abuse, there’s no physical evidence. I hate to say it, but it would be difficult to prove. And I understand that Sophie doesn’t want to put herself through all that, to lose, especially when she works on base. It could make life difficult.”
“So he gets away with it.” Dex paused and looked at him. “You were going to go pay him a visit.”
“I still am, as soon as I’m able.”
“Dex, I love you, man, but you’re not going to change my mind. I’ll be careful. I need to do it. He’s a fucking sailor, and he’s abusing that honor.”
“I wasn’t going to try and change your mind. But I am coming with you.”
Ryan smiled. “Appreciate that. But there’s no need. I can handle a cocky sailor.”
“Didn’t say you couldn’t. I’m still coming.”
Ryan knew there was no point arguing with him.
“Is that the problem between you and Sophie? Is she comparing you to him? And yes, you can tell me to mind my own business if you want.”
“No. She was at first, but we got past that.” Ryan laid his head back on the pillow, staring up at the ceiling. “It’s what happened, me almost dying. She said she can’t handle it.”
“Shit. But she dated this Mark guy. She works on base. She knew what you did.”
“Yeah, I know. But this was up close and personal. You said yourself how upset she was. I guess it’s too much.”
“What are you going to do?”
Ryan turned his head to face him. “I honestly don’t know. It doesn’t help that I’m stuck here in this bed. And she’s on leave.”
“Maybe it’s a good thing. Some space and let the dust settle. She might think differently.”
“Maybe.” He wasn’t convinced, and the thought that he might lose her because of his job hurt like hell. He loved her and wanted to be the man she deserved and, dammit, he knew he could be. The door opened and Sam walked in.
“How are you feeling?”
“Be better when I can get the fuck out of here,” Ryan mumbled, not looking at him. Sam shot Dex a look.
“He just wants to get home.”
“Fair enough. Thought I’d bring you some news. FBI just raided four addresses they got from the Reborn soldiers you didn’t kill. Secured a shitload of weapons and explosives.”
“That is good news. But that's the second time we foiled Reborn’s plans. How long until they gear up again?” Ryan asked.
“Who knows? But when they do, we will take them down again. It’s how the game is played, Ryan. Take the win,” Sam said.
Dex’s cell pinged. Reading the text, he grinned.
“If you want to sext with Kelly, do it outside,” Ryan said dryly.
Dex ignored him looking at Sam. “It’s Tracer.”
“Let me guess. He wants to surrender?” Sam’s sarcastic tone was in full force.