Page 118 of No Mistake
Sophie sighed. Chloe was making sense, but it didn’t stop the deep routed fear inside her. “Maybe it is, but the thought that it could happen... I couldn’t bare it, not when...” Sophie faltered.
Chloe gasped. “Oh God, you love him, don’t you?’
Sophie’s eyes filled with tears and she nodded.
“Have you told him?”
“Not outright. But he knows.”
“And? What did he say?” Chloe was grinning now.
“He loves me, too.”
“And you’re brushing him off? Are you crazy?”
Sophie stared at the shock on her sister's face. Was she crazy? “I don’t want to get hurt again, Chloe. It’s all happening way too fast.”
Chloe shook her head. “Is it fast? You’ve known Ryan a long time. You told me yourself you always enjoyed talking to him. I know I only just met him, but I don’t see Ryan hurting you like Mark did. He’s nothing like Mark. This is different.”
“He might not hurt me that way. But if I let him in and something happens to him, that will hurt.”
“Yes, he might get injured again and, yes, he might die. But Sophie, we all die at some point. None of us know when that will be or how. You can’t live in fear of that. You’re missing out on so much if you let that happen. You love him, you want to be with him. Isn’t that all that matters?”
Hot tears rolled down Sophie’s cheeks. God, she did love him. Being away from him, not talking to him, was tearing her apart.
“I know you're right. I’m scared Chloe. It’s because I love him so much that makes it so hard.”
“You being scared tells me how strong your feelings are for him. Mom and Dad loved each other, and then they died. Do you think if they knew they would die young in a car accident, they’d have changed anything about their relationship? They wouldn’t have gotten married, had children, because they were scared they might die too soon?”
Sophie shook her head. They wouldn’t have changed a thing; they would have been grateful for all the time they had, however short it was, because they loved each other.
“Stop worrying about what might happen, and start enjoying what you have right now, which is an incredibly hot, sexy man, who is a fucking bad ass ninja that just saved your ass.”
Sophie smiled through her tears. He was the full package, and he wanted her. Could she live in the moment, stop worrying about the future? She wanted to, so much.
Ryan was perfect. An honorable, delicious man who, without doubt, wouldn’t hurt her like Mark did. The man stood for everything right and risked his life to save others. She had always admired that, one of the reasons she worked on base. Giving back to these wonderful men and women who devoted their lives to serve their country. They were not all like Mark. He was the minority. Finally, she believed that. One of those wonderful men wanted her, desired her, wanted a relationship with her, and she was letting fear ruin it.
“I’m beginning to think you need to talk to Claire more than I do.” Chloe took hold of her hands, squeezing them. “You need to go and see him. Tell him how you feel and fix this. Because I’m telling you, Sophie, if you don't fix this, then I might just go see if he’d be interested in the younger sister.”
The doorbell rang.
“That must be Claire.” Sophie stood up wiping her eyes.
“OK. But, Sophie, please go see him. You were right about Ricardo, and I listened to you. I’m right about Ryan, so listen to me. Go put that man out of his misery.”
RYAN AND DEX SAT ON his deck, a cold beer in hand. He’d been home two days. His face didn’t hurt so much. The stitched wound above his eye was still a little raw, but it would only leave a tiny scar. His stomach was still tender, but he could at least stand and move around, slowly.
The guys had all popped by, checking in on him, bringing groceries and beer.
“So any more texts from Tracer?” Ryan asked.
Dex and Sam had raided the address Tracer had given them and found Perez’s dead body. A little note had been pinned to him: “You’re welcome.”
“One. He thanked me for putting a protection detail on his mom.”
“You did that?”