Page 18 of No Mistake
“It’s at 215 Casablanca Drive,” Ryan repeated the address to Sophie.
“That’s her apartment building.”
Ryan spoke with Kelly a few seconds more before ending the call.
“Kelly will check out the local hospitals, just in case. Maybe she partied too hard and is recovering.”
Sophie shook her head. “That’s not her, and she would never miss a shift. Something’s happened to her, Ryan. I know it. God, what if she was in a car accident...”
Ryan pulled her out of the chair into his arms. “Come on. We don’t know anything yet.”
She clung to him for a moment, comforted by his warmth. Then she stepped back. “I have to go there.”
“OK, I’ll drive you.”
“No, it’s fine, I can drive...”
“I’m driving you. You’re not driving in this state.”
“Ryan, I’m fine. Thank you, but..”
Ryan cut her off. “I’m not letting you go there alone. It’s not up for discussion.”
She stared at him for a moment. Perhaps driving in her current state wasn’t such a good idea. Making the decision, she nodded.
“OK, but I want to go now.”
RYAN CALLED DEX FROM his car, while he waited for Sophie to finish handing over her patients. The team were not scheduled for an op, although that could change at any time, but there was no way he was letting Sophie face this alone. If something had happened to Chloe, he wanted to be right there by her side to help.
He explained the situation and his team leader didn’t hesitate in telling him to go do what he needed to, he’d clear it with Sam, and for Ryan to call if he needed their help. Ryan knew without a doubt the team would drive straight there in a heartbeat.
“Ready?” He asked, opening the door for her. She nodded. Fuck, her face was so pale. She was clearly worried out of her mind, and there was nothing he could do to alleviate that right now. This must be bringing back all sorts of memories from when her parents were killed.
As he pulled onto the highway, his phone rang. He answered it on the phone rather than Bluetooth, just in case the news wasn’t good.
“No one under Chloe’s name or description has been admitted to any hospital in LA.,” Kelly said.
“OK, thanks.”
“Ryan? I checked her phone records. The last call was an incoming, last night. Nothing since.”
Ryan kept his face neutral hiding his concern.
“And Ryan, the call was from a burner. I’ll see what I can find out, and will let you know if I get anything.”
“Thanks, keep me posted.” He glanced at Sophie. “Kelly checked all the hospitals. No record of anyone matching Chloe being admitted.”
“OK.” She paused. “She said something else, didn’t she?’
He frowned, not wanting to lie, but also not wanting to worry her even more unnecessarily.
“She’s going to check into her phone records. She’ll let me know if she finds anything.”
Sophie nodded. “Good, thank you.”
Ryan glanced over, just making out her pale face and wet tears. “Hey, we’ll find her. I’m sure there’s an explanation.” What that explanation was, he had no idea. Sophie leaned back against the headrest, closing her eyes, and didn’t respond.
Traffic was heavy and it took them a little over two and half hours to reach Chloe’s apartment. Sophie had barely spoken on the way there; Ryan hadn’t pushed, hoping just being there was enough.