Page 22 of No Mistake
Sophie and Ryan sat across from Agents Adams and Lopez. After arriving at the FBI’s LA field office, they’d been separated and ushered into meeting rooms to give their statements. Agent Adams assured Sophie it was just routine, but Sophie was relieved when Ryan was back next to her. Agent Lopez had arranged coffee and some food, but she couldn’t eat. Her mind was conjuring up all sorts of possibilities about what Chloe might be going through.
Ryan held her hand, and she was now grateful he’d insisted on driving her here. She’d have been lost how to handle everything.
“Dr. Summers, I want to ask you some questions about Chloe, is that alright?” Agent Adams asked, her tone gentle.
“Yes. Whatever I can do to help.”
“Chloe is doing a residency at Kings Medical, correct?”
“And you just spent a week with her?”
“Yes. I came here for a visit.”
“Does Chloe have a boyfriend?”
“No. Nothing serious, anyway.”
Agent Adams jotted something down.
“Has she ever mentioned to you any problems with any former boyfriends?”
“No, never.”
“And she didn’t seem scared, or anxious when you were with her?”
“No, she was her usual happy self. We had a fun week.”
“Has Chloe ever taken drugs?” This question came from Agent Lopez.
“No! She’s a doctor for heaven's sake.” She looked at Ryan alarmed. Why would they ask her that? He squeezed her hand reassuringly.
“It’s OK, Sophie. They have to ask. Cover every base.”
“As a resident, the hours are long, it can be tough. Did she ever use anything to help her get through the day?” Lopez pushed.
“No. My sister never took any drugs. She’s reluctant to even take an aspirin.”
Lopez nodded, apparently satisfied.
“When did you speak to her last?’ Lopez again.
“Sunday night, after I got home. She sounded fine. I texted her, and called her a couple of times since, but she didn’t respond. I thought she was just busy at work.”
“Any new friends in her life? Not necessarily boyfriends.”
“Not that she told me about.”
Adams looked at Ryan. Sophie frowned. “What is it?”
“Chloe received a call from a burner phone,” Adams explained.
“OK. Why does that matter? Could have been a wrong number.”
“Yes, it could. But neighbors confirmed hearing noise in the apartment about forty-five minutes after three unanswered calls, all from the burner phone.”
“Can’t you find out who owns the phone?”