Page 3 of No Mistake
“Sophie! That’s exactly you. You are beautiful. The man asked you out. He kissed you. Why would he do either if he wasn’t into you?”
Sophie shrugged. “I don’t know. He’s probably looking for a quick fling while he waits for something better to come along. He might think someone like me would be easy, drooling at a Navy SEAL. Been there, done that, remember? I won’t date another Navy man. And I don’t do casual. I’m not you.”
“Sister, you have got to stop putting yourself down. Mark was an asshole. It doesn’t mean all Navy men are assholes. And how do you know what Ryan is looking for? Any man would be lucky to have you. You are a brilliant doctor, beautiful, intelligent, funny and sexy.”
Sophie blushed, not comfortable hearing compliments. “As your big sister, isn’t it me that should be giving you advice?”
“I’m not a child that needs looking after anymore, Sophie, and someone has to knock some sense into you.”
Chloe’s phone pinged. She picked it up, reading the text, a smile spreading across her face.
“Ricardo. Says he had a great time with me, wants to take me to dinner.”
Sophie frowned; she really didn’t like that guy. Something felt way off. “Chloe, I don’t think you should see him.”
Her sister’s head snapped up, startled. “Why not?”
“I know you’re going to say I think all men are bad, but I got a nasty vibe from him. He was...I don’t know...slimy. He expected every woman to drop at his feet. He kissed my cheek like it was his right to. Who does that to someone they just met? What is it with men thinking they can do what they want with women?”
Sophie’s voice had risen considerably. The situation had reminded her of Mark ordering her to change when he didn’t like the dress she was wearing, or always making a show of kissing her, or grabbing her around his friends, like she was a piece of property he owned.
“And he’s older than you,” she said more softly. He had looked around mid-late thirties, Chloe was twenty-seven.
“Not that much older, and I’m not planning on marrying him. It’s just dinner,” Chloe said dryly.
“Chloe, he had his hands all over you and you just met.”
“It’s called dancing, Sophie, and flirting.” Chloe rolled her eyes. “You should try it some time.”
“What does he do for a living?”
Chloe shrugged. “He said he’s a businessman.”
“Is he from LA? There was an accent. Spanish?”
“I don’t know. We didn’t talk that much.”
“Why did he have to leave?”
“He had to take care of some business. What is this, twenty questions?”
“Chloe, I love you. I don’t normally interfere with your love life, but this feels wrong. There was something not right about him. He made me feel uncomfortable. Will you pass on him? For me, please?” Yes, she was pleading, but she didn’t care. Chloe might be all grown up now, but Sophie still felt responsible for her, still worried about her.
“Wow, you’re really serious, aren’t you? You’re overthinking this. Not every man is like Mark.”
“I know that.” Sophie said, although she wasn’t so sure. “But yes, I’m serious. I am being the big, overprotective sister. Can’t you go hook up with a nice young doctor?”
Chloe grinned. “Done that already.”
“All of them!” Sophie teased.
“They bore me. Only want to talk about studying and patients.” Chloe waved her hand dismissively.
“Well then go find, I don’t know, a hunky lifeguard or something. But please, don’t go out with Ricardo.” Sophie reached for Chloe’s hand, squeezing it. “For me. Please.”
Chloe sighed. “OK! If it means that much to you, I won’t see him.”