Page 55 of No Mistake
“Might be nothing, but to be safe, get her out of her house.”
“What the fuck is going on?” he growled.
“I’ll explain later. Just get her out of there and stay with her. I’ll talk to Sam and call you back. Got it?”
“Copy that.”
Ryan ran to the bathroom, now in full op mode. Sophie was in danger. He thought he’d heard something outside, but he hadn’t found anything. Didn’t mean someone wasn’t out there. He knocked gently. “Sophie, It’s Ryan, I’m coming in.”
He found Sophie sitting on the edge of the bathtub, arms wrapped around herself. Seeing him, she jumped up and rushed into his arms.
“Hey, it’s OK.” He squeezed her to him. “But we need to leave.”
“What? Is someone out there?”
“I didn’t see anyone, but Dex just called. We need to go now, Sophie. Get some shoes on.”
Sophie did as he asked, pulling on sneakers. “Do you think someone was trying to get to me?” Her voice shook.
“I don’t know. Maybe. No one is getting to you, Sophie. I won't let them.”
“I don’t understand. Is it Ricardo? Why would he want me? He already has Chloe.”
Yeah, he did. But Sophie had seen his face, seen him with Chloe. Perez could be cleaning up loose ends. Or, Chloe was dead, and they needed another doctor. Neither were good options.
“I’ll know more when I speak to Dex again. Right now, we need to leave. Come on.” He held out his hand and she took it.
On full alert, he led Sophie down to the front door. His Mustang was in the driveway, just ten feet away. But a lot can happen in ten feet.
“You stay right behind me, got it?”
She nodded. He hated seeing how frightened she was, but there was no time to comfort her. Shielding her with his body, they moved to his car. It was dusk, the dim light helping them.
Sophie strapped in and Ryan started the engine, immediately reversing out of the driveway, constantly checking his surroundings. Everything was quiet. He had no idea where he was taking her, but he headed toward the Coronado bridge. He couldn’t take her to the base and risk being followed there. No sooner had he turned onto the main road, another car screeched out behind him.
“Get down!” He shoved Sophie’s head down, seconds before a bullet shattered the rear window. Sophie screamed.
“Stay down,” he commanded, no time for pleasantries. He needed to get them the hell away from the dark SUV behind them. Another bullet hit the side of his car as he zigzagged across the road, looking for a way out. The onramp to the highway was coming up. He swerved across the street to take it, the SUV close behind. Pushing the gas pedal to the floor, he’d never been so grateful to own a Mustang. This baby could go 0-60 in under 5 seconds. Keeping an eye in the rearview mirror, he found the SUV still behind him, but a little further back.
“Ryan, what’s happening?”
“Just hang on tight.”
The Mustang flew across the bridge and an exit to an industrial park appeared. Yeah, that would work. It was late. No civilians. Cutting across two lanes of traffic, he took it, flying up the ramp into the industrial area. He heard his phone ringing, but he was too focused on getting them away from the SUV. He slowed. They would have seen him exit and wouldn’t be far behind. Switching off his lights, he crawled between the warehouse units. He needed to ditch the car, which meant he needed to “borrow” another one. It was dark now, the industrial park was deserted. He turned down an alley between two buildings and stopped.
“Sophie, we have to go on foot.”
“What?” Her voice was almost a shriek as she sat up.
“They’re looking for the car. We’re safer on foot, trust me. Come on.”
He got out, went round to the passenger side, and opened the door. Taking her hand, he squeezed it, trying to stop her shaking.
“Honey, listen to me. We need to move fast. Stay right behind me and don’t say anything. Be as quiet as you can.”
She nodded, terrified. He quickly kissed her forehead. “I got you.”
He led her out of the alley, then behind a transport truck just as headlights appeared. The SUV moved past them. They were looking for the Mustang, not two people on foot. Grabbing Sophie’s hand, he continued to weave his way between buildings. He knew this area well. There was a park with trees and bushes behind the industrial park. If they could get to that, it would provide some cover. Picking up the pace, he was careful not to move too fast as Sophie tried desperately to keep up with him. The trees came into view. Once he was satisfied, they were far enough away from the threat, he stopped behind some bushes and faced Sophie.