Page 59 of No Mistake
“But I was there and you’re safe.”
“And you’re staying?”
He looked hesitant and her stomach clenched.
“I’m not going anywhere, babe, I promise you. I’m staying right here.”
“Thank you.” Her voice trembled.
She trusted Ryan to keep her safe and was beginning to realize her feelings for him were much stronger than she wanted to admit. Or perhaps it was just fear of being alone when someone had tried to shoot her.
Their faces were just inches apart. She could feel his breath on her skin and the intensity of his gaze. Suddenly, her shivers were gone, and heat flared across her skin. Her eyes were on his and she couldn’t drag them away. He was so damn handsome. It was hard to believe he was a special operator, wielded a gun, fought people, killed people. This Ryan, right here, was nothing but gentle, kind, concerned, and so goddamn sexy.
He kissed the tip of her nose, and she melted a little. She was falling hard for this man. She’d tried not to, but he was so damn perfect. It frightened and excited her.
"You need to eat. Come on, I’ll make something light." He held out a hand and she took it, letting him guide her to a bar stool at the kitchen island.
“I’m not really hungry.”
“Sophie. You’re the doctor here, I shouldn’t have to be telling you that you need to eat.” He wagged a finger at her, and she smiled.
“OK, I’ll try something. So you cook, too?” she asked.
“I’m no chef, but I can rustle up a meal.” He pulled eggs, cheese, and ham from the fridge. “Omelet?”
“Sure. Let me help.”
“No. I got it.” He winked.
Leaning back on the stool at the island, she watched Ryan as he chopped and diced.
“This is a nice house you have here.”
“Thank you. It’s rented. Should think about buying, really, but property on this island is scarce.”
“Yeah, I know. My place is rented, too. I get it.”
She glanced around at the kitchen. Stainless steel appliances, dark wood cabinets. No clutter anywhere. She’d noticed that in the bathroom, too. No knick-knacks. She turned her head toward the lounge. A big flat screen took up one wall, a small fireplace underneath. She spotted a couple of photos on the mantle. Slipping off the stool, she went to take a look.
“Your family?” She gestured to the photo of Ryan, with an older couple and a younger man.
“Yep. My folks and my younger brother, Aaron.”
She smiled, seeing the other photo. It was him and Dex, but they looked like kids.
“How old were you in this one?”
Ryan grinned. “Eighteen. That was outside the enlistment office, the day I met Dex.”
“Wow. It’s amazing how you guys met there and stayed together all these years.”
Ryan shrugged. “I guess when something is meant to be, it’s meant to be. We clicked straight away. Even when we were on different teams, we never lost touch.”
“Is it not weird that he’s your team leader. Your boss effectively?” Sophie walked back to the kitchen, sitting back on the stool.
“Nah. Dex always wanted his own team, then wanted to be an officer. That’s who he is. I was happy just making the team. Some of the decisions Dex has to make, I don’t envy him. I will always help him, always have his back. But making those calls, that can be hard.”
“Do you ever disagree? Argue? Has he had to kick your ass?” she asked, with a little grin.