Page 76 of No Mistake
Sophie shook her head. “I’m OK. Really.” She swiped at her cheek.
“Sophie, talk to me. Do you regret—”
She placed a finger over his lips, stopping him.
“I don’t regret it, Ryan. It was beautiful.”
Ryan hugged her to his chest, his lips against her hair. “Then why the tears?”
“It was so good, and you’re so damn perfect, and I guess I just keep doubting it all. I’m sorry.”
Ryan closed his eyes. That asshole Mark had made her feel this insecure, like she was worthless.
“Honey, I know I need to win your trust when it comes to us. But just so you’re aware. I have never had sex like that before. It meant something. There was a connection, a feeling I’ve never experienced with anyone else. And I want more of it. More of you. And we can slow this down, if you want. I will wait as long as it takes. Do whatever you need me to do to gain your trust.”
She relaxed in his arms a little more, sinking back into his chest.
“I bet you other lady friends weren't such emotional wrecks.”
“Look at me.”
She didn’t move.
“Sophie, look at me,” he said a bit more firmly.
She twisted her head and the uncertainty he saw there killed him.
“You are not a lady friend. You are much more than that. I’m in this through the good and the bad. I’m here for you, not just for sex. You mean the world to me. I’m falling for you, big time.” Fuck, he was pretty sure he’d already fallen. But he didn’t want to utter those three words and scare her off.
Her eyes went wide as his words registered. “Ryan, it’s only been a couple of days. We barely know each other.”
“We’ve known each other years. The intensity of the last couple of days, no, not the ideal first date, but we got through it, and it just made me want you even more. I love how much you care about your sister, how strong you are. How independent and determined. I wish you could see yourself the way I do. Because you’re fucking amazing, and don’t let anyone ever tell you otherwise.”
Tears rolled down her cheeks and he wiped them away.
“I hate seeing you cry.”
She smiled then, took hold of his hand, and kissed his palm.
“They’re good tears, not sad ones. You’re pretty fucking amazing, too.”
“Young lady, did you just cuss?!” he said in mock horror.
She laughed. “I’ve been known to on occasion.”
“Why don’t we get in bed and get some sleep?” He shifted under the covers, coaxing her with him. She came willingly and they settled into spooning.
“Just so you know, I think I’m falling pretty hard for you, too,” Sophie said softly.
Ryan’s heart squeezed. He tucked her back against his chest and whispered, “Then let’s just enjoy falling together.”
It didn’t take long for Sophie to drift off to sleep. It felt so right laying here with her in his arms. Yeah, if he had his way, he would have made love to her all night, but he enjoyed this closeness, more than he ever thought he would. He almost didn’t want to sleep, but he should. In less than forty-eight hours, Tracer’s time would be up, and Raven would be going after Perez and Vitelli, with or without his help. Until then, there was nowhere else he wanted to be.
SOPHIE WOKE TO FIND a tattooed arm across her waist and Ryan’s head on the pillow, facing her, eyes closed. She studied him, letting her eyes roam from his face down his chest to his hips. The sheet covered his lower half, but there was no mistaking his cock, up and ready to go.
An overwhelming wave of desire swept over her. She so wanted to be the confident, sultry woman who took what she wanted. Could she be that woman?
Yes, you can!