Page 15 of Daddy's Praise
I sighed as I stepped over the threshold into her small studio apartment. “How bad was it?”
“I’ll be working all weekend.” She shook her head. “I was supposed to have dinner with a friend tomorrow night, but I had to cancel. I just have too much to do.”
“Well, you’ll be doing it with a sore bottom,” I replied, slipping off my suit jacket and folding it over the back of a chair.
“I really did better this week,” she said hopefully as I rolled up my sleeve.
“Is that true?”
She shrugged. I raised my eyebrows. I had the distinct feeling there was something she wasn’t telling me, but I was too exhausted to get into it. I’d rather just give her what she needed. If she wanted me to know something, it was her responsibility to tell me, not mine to pry it out of her. Taking her hand, I walked her to the small kitchen table and pulled out the straight back chair. Sitting on it, I pulled her over my lap.
Out of all the clients I’d ended up with, Zoe was the easiest, maybe because she was the oldest, and most mature. She didn’t make me feel like she wanted anything else; just my direction and correction. I liked that. I needed it today of all days, when my mind wanted to veer toward Audrey every second. My time with Zoe was transactional. Easy, refreshing, what Rent-A-Daddy was supposed to be.
Spanking her was easy. She never pushed for more than I wanted to give, never pushed her legs apart to give me a view of her glistening moisture the way the other girls did, never pushed her ass out to meet my hand, but also never tried to get away, didn’t squirm or cry or make the process difficult for me. She just took what she had coming, allowed it to cleanse her guilt and motivate her for the future. When I finished, she always thanked me and took the hug I offered, but didn’t linger, or cry into my shirt, or press against me suggestively.
This time was no different. She lay stoically over my lap as I painted her bottom red, first with my hand, and then with my paddle, lecturing intermittently about how she set a goal and she needed to do whatever it took to meet it. I reminded her of her long-term goals, and reminded her to work harder in the coming week. We talked about what she needed to achieve and the consequences if she didn’t meet her goals. When it was over, I helped her stand on shaking legs, waited for her to pull her skirt down, and held out my arms to offer a hug. She stepped into it, thanking me for my time and correction, wiped her eyes a few times and released me.
“Same time next week?” she asked with a sniffle.
“Standing appointment,” I confirmed.
She smiled as she walked me out, thanking me profusely again, rubbing her bottom through the fabric of her skirt. As the door closed behind me, I heaved a sigh of relief, and looked at my watch. I had another appointment right after this one, and then, finally, the thing I’d been dreaming about all day: my date with Audrey.
It had been awkward before I left. We’d decided to make things official, but had no time to discuss what that meant or what we wanted it to mean; we’d do that tonight. I’d been counting the minutes until the date, praying she wouldn’t change her mind before then, and decide that the scene in my office this morning was nothing more than an unhinged fever dream, a fluke never to be repeated again.
One more appointment and forty-five minutes to go.
My heart pounded as I waited for him at a table in the fanciest, most exclusive restaurant in Philly. It took months to get a reservation here; yet somehow, he’d gotten one on short notice, at one of the best, most private tables in the place, reserved for VIP guests. He must have connections I didn’t know about. It seemed there was a lot about the enigmatic Archer Brennan that I didn’t yet know. A lot that I hoped to find out today, and in the following days. This morning had been a dream straight out of the spank bank, and everything that happened since sent me falling deeper and harder from infatuation to hardcore crush. He’d done everything perfectly, acted like a hero from a dirty romance book, and yet things like this never happened to me. I was still half-convinced that he wouldn’t show up, or that he’d bring me here just to let me down gently and take the sting out of it.
Old fears and insecurities crept up like weeds in a summer garden as I counted the seconds down to the moment the date was supposed to begin. Would it have been better if I’d been the one to show up last? Should I have made the limo wait and insisted upon a fashionably late entrance? No, Archer was the type of man you didn’t keep waiting.
The clock turned to eight, and just as my chest began to tighten in panic, I looked up and saw him striding toward me. At that moment, the busy bustle of the packed restaurant faded into nothingness. His commanding presence filled the space so completely I had no choice but to only have eyes for him, clocking every step he made until he was standing in front of me, taking my hand in his and pressing it to his lips. “I hope I haven’t kept you waiting long.”
It had felt like ages, but saying that would make me seem green and desperate. I smiled. “Not at all. You’re right on time.”
He dropped my hand and sat down in the chair across from me. “I wish I could have been here sooner. I’ve been waiting for this all day.”
The ball of terror in my chest turned to butterflies that settled in my stomach as I smiled at him across the table. “Me too. Longest day ever.”
“Are you hungry?”
“Starving.” I didn’t mention that I hadn’t eaten all day. I knew instinctively that he wouldn’t like that.
“Any allergies?” He peered at me from over the top of the menu.
“No, none.”
“May I order for you?”
My mouth dropped open. It was such a Daddy thing to do, ordering for someone, and the fact that he’d asked showed his considerate, gentle side, but allowing someone I only had a working relationship with before this morning and in reality, didn’t know that well, to order for me seemed like the ultimate act of trust. Saying yes made me nervous, but how could I say no? Wordlessly, I nodded my consent.
“Excellent.” He set the menu down and beamed. “You look lovely. That dress fits as if it was made for you.”
I didn’t even have time to thank him for it before he continued, piling on the compliments.
“I’m not going to be able to take my eyes off you all through dinner, and I will count the minutes until I can find out what I suspect to be true.”