Page 35 of Like Sugar
Somehow, I always knew that the moment Catherine came back my time with Mason would be over.At least my naked time with Mason.There was a pull in my chest that made me wish this was more than a fuck-buddy situation, but this morning he had confirmed it.
I had woken in his bed, which happened nearly every morning, and he was sitting at the desk just staring at me.“Morning,” I groaned.
“Candace, we need to talk,” he said.I knew right then what he was going to say.I knew he was cutting this off now.That’s what you agreed to all along, idiot.I held back any tears and agreed with him.
When Mason left, I looked down at Wyatt and sighed.“Why don’t we make mama a present?”I suggested, his eyes lighting up.
“Can I write my name on it?”he asked.
“I think she’d like that very much.”We got out the crayons and paper so he could draw her a picture and sign it with his name.“Tell me about your picture, Wy.”
“It’s not a picture, Candi.It’s a very ‘portant paper for work,” he said with a serious look.Honestly, I was a bit relieved because it better resembled a mess of letters on top of one another than any other object.
I nodded gravely.“Yes.Tell me about your work.”
“It’s a bill.So it can makes the laws.Mama can do the votes.”Wyatt explained, using terms Mason had been trying to teach him about his job.I giggled at the way he acted like this was very weighty business.
“Makes sense.”
It was lunchtime before Catherine showed up.I opened the door to find her and her mom.Wyatt ran straight into Catherine’s arms, talking so fast I didn’t understand most of the words he said.
Before he finished chattering, he turned and launched himself into the arms of his grandmother.“Gramma!”was the only word I caught.
“Wy, you’ve got to slow down,” Catherine said.Her voice sounded happier than the last time we saw each other.
I looked everywhere but at the women, not wanting to intrude but unsure of what to do here.I felt a hand on my shoulder.“Can we chat?”Catherine asked.
“Yeah, of course.”I felt ill.Hi, it’s me.The woman who accused you of being an unfit mother and is screwing your baby daddy.Remember how my comments made you want to kill yourself?Yeah.I’ll see myself out.I led her into my room, away from Wyatt and her mother.
“I’m really sorry,” she said at the same time I did.
“What on earth are you sorry for?”I asked her.
“I was in a dark place when we last saw each other.I’m sorry if that made your job more difficult.Mason told me how hard it was on Wyatt that I couldn’t be around for a bit, and he also told me you helped remind him I loved him and would be back soon.So, thanks for that,” she said.
I blinked twice before finding my voice to speak.“I said horrible things to you, Catherine, and I’m so sorry.Nothing I could say or do will ever take those things back, and I’m sick over it.”
“First, no hard feelings.It was not our best moment, but we did it because we love the same kid.I’m so thankful he’s had such a strong village around to take care of him while I couldn’t.And second, you can call me ‘Cee.’Only Mason calls me Catherine and it makes me crazy.”
I chuckled.“He insists on calling me Candace when everyone else on earth calls me Candi.”
“I’m not surprised.I think the only person he used a nickname for is my sister and his brother.He’s weird about formality.”
I let my guard down slightly, grateful she wasn’t insisting Mason fire me and keep me away from her child.
I left Cee, her mom, and Wyatt alone for a few hours, opting to do the tourist thing.It was a chilly day, but not so cold that it kept people inside.Walking around, I watched as hordes of children in matching t-shirts shuffled from landmark to landmark followed by weary looking adults.I was so close to the Capitol, where I knew Mason was for the day, and my fingers itched to text him to see how his day was going.
Nope.That’s girlfriend territory.And I’m not even the fuck buddy anymore.
Can you please come visit?I need some shenanigans
YESSSS when?
Soon.Like today.