Page 5 of Like Sugar
“Eli died thirty seconds ago and you’re already circling.”I didn’t like how often this guy was here.
Sergio wasn’t a huge guy, but from the looks of him, he could probably give me a run for my money in a fight.“I’m her friend.Her boyfriend died.I’m being supportive.Unlike you, taking her kid hundreds of miles away.”
His dig pissed me off.“I need to go back to work.She’s in no shape to take care of him and we both know that.”
“This won’t help.”
“Who the fuck do you think you are?You realize you’re just the guy she’s fucking to get through the day, right?”I assumed they were fucking.I’d known Catherine her whole life.In fact, I’d been one of the guys she made herself feel better with, and that’s how we ended up with Wyatt.But this felt like it should be different.Maybe it was.
“Told you.Just a friend.”He looked away.Guilty.
“If you hurt her, I’ll fucking ruin you,” I warned.
“Are you threatening me?For what?You got a thing for her?Want to get with the baby mama for your image?That’s how you roll, right?It’s all about your image?”
“Fuck off.”I flat-out refused this very idea when my father suggested it.There would be no more marrying women for my career.Or at all.
“Just saying, maybe I’m not the one circling here.”He glared at me before knocking twice on the counter and walking away to join Catherine and Wyatt in the other room.
“What do you mean, you found me a job?”I asked my mother angrily.
“You’ll be nannying for a senator's family for the next couple of months.He’s in a bind and you aren’t exactly doing anything, Candi,” my mother tutted.
“I’m between jobs while I write my novel!”I stomped my foot.Probably not the best way to demonstrate maturity.
She finished emptying the dishwasher and gave me a pointed look.“Well, you can write it while you stay with them instead of me.”
“Stay with them?”
“It’s a live-in position.You know how life is on the Hill.You’ll travel with them back and forth.”
I pushed off the counter.“Mom, this is insanity.You already agreed to this?”
“You start tomorrow.Pack your things.”
“Tomorrow!”It was too late.My mother had already walked out of the room.
Apparently I have a job now
I thought you were finishing your book?November was supposed to wrap the first draft
My mother voluntold me I have a nanny gig starting tomorrow.
Live in!
How many kids?Who is the family?
No idea.She left the room before I could get any actual answers.