Page 103 of Beautiful Trauma
He laughed. “That’s more like the Cee I know. Always making sure I don’t get too far ahead of myself.”
“Thanks for being his sidekick today.”
“I told you, we make a good duo.” He looked over to Wyatt, who was shaking his ass on the dance floor with Elle and Silas. “Though, he’s slacking at his wing man duties. Silas already got the girl.”
The idea of Sergio picking up another woman hit me in the chest. The song changed to a slow one, and he took my hand. “Come on, beautiful. Let’s dance.”
My heart raced in my chest as he pulled me to him. I didn’t want to see judgmental stares, so I closed my eyes and lost myself in the feeling of his arms tightly wound around me as we moved with the music. The song ended too soon, and I took a step back and looked up into his gaze.
Before either of us could say anything, Wyatt ran into my leg and pulled on my dress. “Mommy! Can I have cake?”
I pulled my eyes from Sergio’s and looked down at my son, who already had frosting on his cheeks. “Wyatt Fuller, did you eat the cake?”
Wyatt’s eyes went wide. “Yes, Mommy. I’m sorry.”
I looked over at the cake and, sure enough, there were tiny human claw marks where Wyatt had helped himself. “Wyatt! That wasn’t your cake to take! That’s Auntie Mish’s cake. You need to apologize right now!”
Wyatt nodded solemnly and made his way over to Mish and Connor, with Sergio and me on his heels. “Auntie Mish! I sorry I ate your cake,” Wyatt announced. Mish looked at him and then the cake and I could see she wanted to laugh but was holding it back.
“Uh-oh. It wasn’t time for dessert yet, Wy. I have to smash some of that in Connor’s face first.”
Wyatt bounced. “Can I do it? I wanna smash the cake!”
“I’ll tell you what. After I smash the cake, you can pick someone to smash cake with, okay?”
“Gee! Can we smash cake?” Wyatt turned to Sergio, his face bright with excitement.
“Of course,” Sergio responded, giving Wyatt a high-five. “I love cake.”
When it came time, Sergio and Wyatt totally stole my heart as they smashed cake in each other’s mouths. I was slightly concerned Wyatt was only going to want to smash cake in faces from now on, but the joy on his face was well worth inevitably spending the next few months reminding him not to force-feed people.
Wyatt spent the next hour bouncing around on a sugar high. I was thankful we had a room at the hotel where the reception was held, because he went from the life of the party to laying on the floor ready for bed in the blink of an eye.
“That’s my cue to leave,” I said to Elle, Silas, and Sergio. “Can you just keep him from melting down while I say goodnight to Connor and Mish?”
Elle nodded, and I said my goodbyes. It took a few minutes more than I anticipated, and when I made my way back to Wyatt, he was sound asleep on Sergio’s shoulder. “I’m so sorry. Here, I’ll bring him up to bed.” I held out my arms.
“I can carry him up. Let’s go.”
I didn’t argue, mostly because the thought of waking Wyatt up at this point in front of all Mish’s guests had me fearing the tantrum that would likely follow. This kid was beat.
We rode in silence in the elevator to our floor. I unlocked the door and held it open for Sergio to bring Wyatt to the bed. He laid him down, and I gently pulled off his shoes. His jacket was still downstairs with Elle, so I just covered him in the bed and walked Sergio back to the door. “Thanks.”
“No problem.”
As he was turning the knob to leave, I whispered, “I’ve missed you.” He stopped, still facing away from me but not continuing to leave the room. “I tried not to. I want to give you space, but it’s so damn hard.”
“I’ve missed you,” she whispered. I stilled at the door, wondering if I imagined it. “I tried not to. I want to give you space, but it’s so damn hard.”
“I missed you, too.” I struggled to keep my hands to myself, but she stepped closer, and I pulled her to me. “Fuck, I missed the shit out of you.” The feeling of her body against mine made the tension in my shoulders dissolve.
“I’m glad you’re home for a while.”
I’ll stay home with you forever. “Me too.”