Page 34 of Beautiful Trauma
“I don’t know.” He shrugged. “There’s got to be a random bar or something we can go to.”
“Are you so sick of touring you’re going to drink?” I joked.
“No. But maybe there’s one with a band or karaoke, or I don’t know, trivia. Let’s just get off this damn bus before I lose my mind.”
“Should we take Beth?”
“We are in the middle of nowhere, Indiana. I doubt the drummer needs security on a weeknight at a dive bar.”
“We could take Jo too and see if there’s drama.” I grinned at him, knowing how to get him to agree. Especially since he had mentioned he suspected something was up with those two on multiple occasions.
“They are absolutely hooking up. Let’s do it. Text Jo and I’ll text Beth. Then we find a destination,” he ordered, already texting her.
An hour later, the four of us arrived at a dive bar somewhere outside Indianapolis. It had Sergio’s meager requirements: there was a band, it was quiet, and it was not the bus.
“You couldn’t have chosen something more… populated?” Jo asked, scrunching up her face.
“Beth picked the place,” I answered.
“We don’t need a crowd, Joanna,” Beth asserted with a pointed glare.
“The whole ride here was nothing but corn,” Sergio announced to no-one.
We grabbed a table in the corner as a rock band picked up their instruments to play. Sergio’s hands tapped to the beat as Jo ordered us a round of shots. Beth and Sergio gave her a surprised look, but I was all in.
“One shot for all of us. No one here is driving, and it’s rare we have Cee with us,” Jo reasoned. Sergio just shrugged, reaching for a glass. Beth opened her mouth to object, but Jo hastily put a finger over her mouth. “No excuses. You’re off-duty.”
“I’m never off-duty,” Beth mumbled as she pulled one of the shot glasses toward her, glowering. “But I can hold my liquor, so what the hell?”
Jo clapped with child-like joy. She had been drinking long before we got in the rideshare, so she was halfway to drunk already.
Two shots later, we were having a good time in our little corner of the bar. “C’mon bestie, let’s see you shake that ass.” Serge stood and held out a hand to pull me up. “Let’s go baby Pierce. You know you want to light up that floor,” he called behind him as we moved to a space in the room where we could move a bit.
Jo grabbed Beth by the hand, dragging her to the floor to dance. All four of us were tipsy but having a fantastic time. After the second song, the band stopped playing. We headed back to our table when a guy from the band tapped Sergio’s shoulder. “Hey, you’re a drummer, right?”
Sergio smiled. “I am.”
“Cool. I’m Jesse. Any chance you want to come play with us? Just to mess around?” The guy had a typical rocker look with his ripped jeans, t-shirt, and long dark hair covering his face.
“I think tonight I’d like to be a singer, Jesse. Think we can pull that off?” Sergio asked with a twinkle in his eye.
"Yes, we can. I didn’t know you sang too?”
Sergio shrugged. “Normally, I don’t. Meet my best friend, Cee.”
“He’s not my best friend,” I interjected.
Undeterred, Sergio continued. “She’s also not a singer, but she’s gonna duet with me.”
“She is?” I asked, raising my eyebrow.
“She is,” Sergio confirmed with a wicked grin. “Now, what can we do with this information?”
Jesse beamed. “We do a cover of ‘Hang’ by Matchbox Twenty. You know it?”
“Hell yes. Cee, you can be Kyle and I’ll be Rob.”
“I think maybe Jesse can be Kyle, and I can be sitting in that chair over there watching.” I was not drunk enough for this.