Page 6 of Beautiful Trauma
Tom and I greeted each other.
“Oh, and I’m sure you remember Sergio, the drummer,” Elle added.
“And I sure haven’t forgotten you, my goddess.” He winked at me. I could feel my face turn red. Who knew I’d ever see this guy again? And now I work for him? Awkward.
Elle carried on giving details about upcoming events, while I lost myself in the memories of the concert in which I screwed the drummer. We all chatted a bit to get acquainted, and Wyatt popped on and off the screen, showing everyone his toys.
Unknown number: Can’t wait for you to join us on the road.
Me: Who is this?
Unknown number: You came on my hands and dick last time I saw you.
Ah. Sergio. I saved his number in my contacts.
Me: Well, you’re too late. I’m taken.
Serge: Sucks for me, but congrats. You can be my wing-woman.
Me: What makes you think I want to help you get laid?
“Cee?” my sister’s voice grabbed my attention.
“Sorry, I got distracted.”
I could tell she wanted to sigh in frustration, but years of suppressing such instincts kept her face neutral, at least to anyone who didn’t know her well. “I was saying we’ll have you start off on the road for the first couple of shows, since they are local to you.”
Wyatt chose that moment to crawl up into my lap, giving the group a close up look of his adorable chubby cheeks, brown eyes and short, wispy brown hair. “Uh, sure. I’ll figure out what to do with the little guy.”
“Oh my gawd, bring him!” Sergio cheered.
Everyone’s faces screwed up at Sergio’s comment. “Um, not really the place for kids. I was thinking more like a sleepover with grandma,” I explained. While my relationship with my mother was shaky, at best, she excelled in her role as grandma. The difference between my mom’s reaction and my father’s was completely opposite.
Sergio looked genuinely disappointed that I wasn’t bringing a toddler on tour. From what Elle had told me about him, he was a child himself.
But damn, the things he could do with his fingers and cock. I bit my lip, and Sergio smirked on the screen, as if reading my thoughts.
Me: You will not be using my toddler as a wingman.
Sergio: Aw, c’mon. Chicks LOVE babies.
Me: I’m sure you’ve got some of your own out there by now, drummer boy.
Sergio: None that I know of.
“Seriously, Cee. Can you please pay attention to me and not Serge?” How did she even know? Sergio laughed, from what I assumed was his living room.
“Sorry. He wanted to use my kid to get women to sleep with him.”
“Serge, you aren’t allowed anywhere near my nephew, understand?” Elle’s eyes narrowed at the spot on her screen I assumed Sergio held.
The meeting went on for a few more minutes before Elle let us all return to our normally scheduled lives. Or at least everyone who wasn’t me. I had the pleasure of answering a follow-up phone call.
“Look, I’m sorry I got distracted,” I answered.
“It’s fine. It’s all yours now, so good luck. Try not to fall onto Sergio’s dick.”
“I’m offended you think I’d cheat on Eli.” We had been together for six months, and I was all-in on our relationship status.