Page 67 of Beautiful Trauma
“I promise.” I unbuttoned her pants and slid them down her legs, leaving behind her black lace underwear. My dick strained against the seam of my jeans. Damn fucking morals. I swept my fingers up and down the lacy material, and she moaned. “This what you need?” My voice sounded strained to my ears.
“More. I need more. Touch me.”
I slid one of my fingers under the material to feel her wet center. “So wet for me, mia dea. You need my fingers inside you?”
“Yes, please yes,” she panted.
I slid one finger inside, groaning as she clenched around it. She relaxed under my touch as I moved inside of her. I slid my thumb over her clit and softly rubbed it, just the way I knew she liked. “Yes, Serge. God, yes. Please don’t stop.”
I added a finger, loving the sight of her falling apart for me. The only time she looked this peaceful was when we did this, and my need to give her this kind of peace went all the way to the depths of my soul.
She writhed below me. I leaned my mouth close to her ear. “This pussy is fucking magic. I want you to come all over my hand. Can you do that for me?” I kissed down her jaw, desperate to touch more of her skin.
She had one hand clutching the front of my shirt and the other fisted the sheets as I brought her to her climax.
“Good girl,” I murmured in her ear. I kept pumping my fingers until the contractions stopped. I picked up her boneless body and put her under the blankets. “Sleep, beautiful.”
Drunk and sated, she just nodded as her eyes fluttered closed.
I made my way to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I stripped out of my clothes and stepped under the hot spray. My cock was so hard I thought I might come from the feeling of the water alone. I took it in my hand and stroked from base to tip, picturing Cee as she came undone with my touch. My motions became more ragged as I came against the shower wall, her name on my lips.
I rinsed off and threw on my boxers. I crawled into the bed beside her, taking her into my arms. With her this close, I had no trouble falling asleep.
But when I woke up the next morning, she was gone.
I ran from the stage directly outside and onto her bus. I found her curled up in the fetal position, sobbing in her bunk. Elle was hot on my heels. “What the fuck, Serge! You have meet and greets to do.”
“Fuck off, Elle.” I scooped Cee into my arms and carried her to my bed on the bus next to hers. “Just go away,” I growled. Cee clung to me like a baby chimp clinging to its mother.
“You have a job to do. I’ll send someone else to sit with her.”
This woman incensed me. Cee was her sister and clearly in the middle of a breakdown. “You are unbelievable. Just because you can ignore her to work doesn’t mean I have to.”
She threw her arms in the air and stormed off the bus, no doubt to get reinforcements. I sat on the bed with Cee in my arms, rubbing her back. “Shh. It’s okay. It’s okay.”
“You have to go,” she sniffed.
“I don’t have to do anything.”
“I’m fine. I promise. It’s just hard. Can I stay in your bed? You can tell me a story when you’re done working.” I heard Mish and Silas outside the room. Elle’s reinforcements.
“You have to go.” She slid off my lap.
I promised myself I’d never be in this position again after Kyle died. One where I’d let those closest to me suffer because I was too busy being a rockstar. I was pissed but found myself walking back into the venue with Silas.
I made a half-assed effort to be present while I signed various items, and body parts, for the following hour. Elle was giving me a death glare, something that was basically the theme of this trip, and Connor made sure he kept himself between us, just in case one of us lost our shit.
“I need a room,” Connor instructed Elle. She nodded. Great. More lectures. Elle went off to find an empty space we could use while people buzzed around us.
“I need to get back,” I explained.
“First, we need to talk,” he insisted. Elle popped her head around the corner and waved for us to follow her. She led us to a small room with nothing but a table and a few chairs.
“Just him,” Connor pointed to me and ushered her out, shutting the door. I sat in a chair, ready for my latest reprimand. “You need to give Elle a break. She’s trying. She doesn’t understand what’s happening here. Somehow, Elle is oblivious to your attachment to Cee.”
“Well then, she needs to be less of a bitch and see that her sister is falling to fucking pieces and do something about it. I won’t let Cee be another casualty of this life.”