Page 94 of Beautiful Trauma
“They’re arguing about lighting?” I asked as I waited.
“Ugh. It’s been a whole thing all week. Connor and Elle have been at each other’s throats over it. As usual, the rest of the band is doing their best to stay out of it.”
“And you fled?”
“Hell yes. I’m not getting in the middle of that.” She sounded out of breath.
“Are you running?”
“Yes. I’ve missed you!”
At least someone did. “I missed you too. It’s bullshit we aren’t still roommates.”
“You could move in with Connor and I.”
“Hard pass,” I laughed. Connor was high-maintenance in a way I didn’t need to experience daily.
She laughed. “Serge said the same thing.”
“He wanted to be your roommate?” Just the mention of him made my stomach lurch again.
“Well, no. It’s a long story. I’ll tell you when I’m not running to you.” She huffed harder into the phone.
“Sure. Of course.”
“Almost. There,” she breathed. “Hey, bitch!” I heard her yell from behind me. Mish came running at me, full speed, with open arms, before slamming into me for a hug.
“Whoa there, killer. It hasn’t been that long.”
“It’s been like a month since we were last home and I saw you!” She bent at the waist and tried to catch her breath. “That’s an eternity.”
“I’m afraid I’m about to make you head back to the buses. I need to get rid of these bags.”
Mish looked at the backpack and suitcase on the floor beside me. “What the hell did you pack? You’re only here for five days!” She led me down the hall.
“Stuff that was specifically requested. Elle had a list as long as my freaking arm. Items of clothing, a forgotten charger—”
She rolled her eyes. “Oh, the drama of the charger. She’s been sharing with Silas, and let’s just say I think it’s the most strain their relationship has seen since she married someone else.” Mish continued to tell me all about the drama that I had missed until we got to the buses. “Um, do you know which one you’re on?”
There were three buses. I knew one was full of support staff, my sister and Silas included, because there was a very lengthy negotiation about who got the third bus, and therefore, the third room. There was a small bedroom on each bus that meant a smidge more privacy than the bunks afforded. On the last tour I was on, Serge had a room and Connor had the other, which he shared with Mish. I assumed that was still the situation.
“Wherever there’s an open bunk is fine. I’m an intermittent guest.”
Mish laughed. “We’re all spread out these days and there is a guest bunk on each bus, so you get your pick.”
“Then I choose not to be on my sister’s bus. I love her, but I can’t be on a bus with her for extended periods of time.”
“Awesome. Ride with us. We’re cooler anyway. Last night, Matteo was practicing his TikTok dancing skills, and I laughed so hard I nearly puked.” Mish climbed aboard the bus that must be ours. She pointed out the empty bunk. “You are between Beth and John. So very safe.” John had joined Beth’s security team for this tour.
I put my stuff in the bunk. “Thanks.”
“So, before we catch up with the band, I need to get the deets.”
I glanced over at her from my stuff. “About?”
“Have you talked to him?” she whispered conspiratorially.
I wiped my damp palms on my pants. “No. Other than what we said at the meeting before the tour, I have not. To be perfectly honest, I’m terrified.”